Chapter 7

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"Kakashi, we have to hurry and get to the sand village now!" I demanded.

"Naruto its not that-"

Sakura cutting him off, "I'll go report this to the hokage, you three go finish the mission." Sakura rushes off back to the village as we all gather equipment.

"Hinata," I said very bothered. "Earlier i-"

Hinata cuts me off, with a kiss. I grab her by the waist and give her a warm, yet passionate kiss back. She back off quickly and turns bright red.

"I-im sorry Na-naruto." she said profusely.

I walk up behind her and tightly wrap my arms around her. "Dummy, its okay. I was just about to bring it up."

Kakashi blankly stared at the incident he just witnessed. " *cough cough* we need to get going."

Awkwardly I let go of hinata and the three of us ahead to the sand village.

----------------couple hours later-----------------

"Kazekage, the Akastuki are here." Kankuro said worriedly. "We must prepare for an attack."

"I know.." Gaara said uneasily. "Call Tamari, have her summon all chunin ninja. I'll create a sand tsunami as a distraction, while everyone unleashes their most powerful attack to fend them off. We don't know who exactly from the akastuki so we must make sure we either apprehend them or kill them." With confidence in his voice Gaara demand, " NOW GO, SHOW THEM THE POWER OF THE SAND VILLAGE!"

*extremely short I know, I know. But I couldn't think of anything. I'll make sure the next chapter is a lot longer and action filled *

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