Chapter 1

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Walking out my apartment I stared out from my balcony and that's when I saw her from a far. Her purple hair, glistening in the sunlight, her pale skin radiating as she walked. I saw it all, even her beautiful, pale-ish purple eyes as she smiled to the villagers passing by. Little by little I saw her begin to grow smaller and smaller as she continued to walk. Am I in love? I can't be.... Hinata is just a friend!... She may not feel the same for me. My thoughts were pushing me away from her, yet my body wanted to draw it self closer to her.

"Naruto?" A familiar voice had broken my train of thought. "Are you okay," she asked worriedly.

"Yeah," I replied, as I turned around to see who this voice belonged to. "I'm fine sakura, I was just thinking a little."

She gasped once she heard the word "thinking". "You, Naruto Uzumaki, were just thinking?" She asked as if she was astonished. "Do you have a fever? Is the world going to end?

"Yes," I chucked. "I was thinking. Is that a crime? Will the anbu be sent to capture me if word gets out?"

We both stared at each other, and began laughing. "I guess even you have your moments when you think, but Kakashi wanted to see us today. So we better get going." She pulled my arm and began dragging me down the stairs.

Years ago I would have excited to go any where with Sakura, or even be dragged by her, just a simple smile or touch from her could have made me go crazy over her, but lately I haven't been feeling anything towards her. It's hard for me to pinpoint when my feelings for her began to dissipate, but I'm kind of happy I don't like her any more. I can finally move on from my first love.

As Sakura was dragging me across the village, I noticed Hinata going into Ino's flower shop. I couldn't help but want to go to where she was, as if my body was being attracted to hers like a magnet. With Sakura's monster strength, there would be no possible way I could go to Hinata . As we continued away from the shop, I let out a huge sigh.

"Naruto, are you okay?" She let go of me in front of the Hokage's mansion.

"Yeah, but I think something is wrong with me a little."

"We have a few minutes before Kakashi gets here, so why don't you tell me?" She leaned against the entrance, with her worried filled eyes as she continued to look at me.

"Well...." I tried to stall the conversion so I could my thoughts gather. "I think I'm starting to like someone. She has been on my mind a lot recently, and I even dreamt of us starting a family together." I laughed a little. "I think I'm in love with..." I hesitated a little before saying her name "Hinata."

Her eyes wide, jaw dropped, she was unable to say anything. "W-W-When did th-this start happening?

She was still in shock, but I calmly said, "I don't really know." I began to blush a little, and chucked. "There's something about her that's pulling me in." I get up and put my hands behind my head. "I guess.... I guess I finally realized how great she really was." An uncontrollable smile appeared on my face.

Before Sakura could utter another word, Kakashi appeared in-between us. "You two seem lively this morning." He stared at both of us, and didn't even ask what happened. "Well lady Tsunade doesn't have all day, we better get going and see what her request for team 7 is.

As we opened the door to Tsunade's office, her voice was loud and directed to us, "Hurry it up. Your new assignment is here, and I want to get all the small details out the way."

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