Chapter 2

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"Okay, as I have said before I need take give you the details to your mission quickly." Tsunade started going on, "we need you to go to the sand village and protect the kazekage while the sand village throws a festival"

This is my chance to show Gaara what my newly found powers can do."Grandma Tsunade when do we start?"

"As soon as your other team mate arrives, you'll be on your way."

The door opens and to my surprise, it was Hinata. My heart began to pound, I was scared, I thought everyone could hear my heart pounding, as if it were about to pop out my chest. "H-hey... Hi-hinata" I  began to blush a little.

Hinata, was shocked when i greeting her, she suddenly blushed and turned her face, but didn't say a word back to me.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot. Why did I stutter. maybe she didn't notice"

"Alright let's get going," Kakashi exclaimed.

As everyone started heading out Tsunade pulled naruto off to the side. "Get ready, I need to have an important talk with naruto."

In sync everyone said okay.

"Naruto, close the door behind you." she stood up and approached me, "I saw what just happened between you and hinata just now,would you care to explain? "

"Well, " naruto starts scratching his head " I like hinata.... but I don't know how to approach her anymore"

"You're a mess, but don't sweat it. I can bet at least $100 that by the end of this mission you will have gotten closer to her. Now go get ready, everyone should be waiting for you at the main gate. "

*short chapter, but um if you guys don't mind can you leave me some comments and give me your thoughts of how it is so far. I would greatly appreciate it*

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