Chapter 9

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My body was being pulled by the sand, sucked into it. I was barely able to shake my self out. "RAWRR!" I shouted with all my might, and had my chakura cloak extend around me, causing the sand to loosen it grip.

Kakashi made his way away from the sand  and onto some rocks. "Hinata, this is Gaara Justu, Sand Tsunami, we better get back if we don't want to get hurt!" Kakashi grabs hinata's arm and pulled her along with him, distancing themselves far enough as possible.

Despite my efforts, I was swallowed by the Sand Tsunami, being taken down with the rest of the Akastuk members that were in the area.

Hinata cried out, "NARUTO!" She began to cry when the ground began to tremble.

A giant hand came from under ground. It must be naruto, Hinata thought to her self. She looked up at Kakashi, and he had a worry some look in his face.

"Hinata, we have to leave and call for yamato. He's the only one who can turn naruto back to himself."

"RAWRRRR!" my voice echoed throughout the desert.


As the piercing scream, made it to Sasuke's ears, as he could only think "His dumbass made it before I could, but today I'll show him the difference in our power. Today I will kill Naruto Uzumaki." In pure excitement, he decided to move a little faster leaving his comrades behind.


From where the hand rose from, a hole began to form, making it big enough for a tailed beast to emerge from. But the only thing that emerged was a black sphere.

"Kakashi, I-im going to stay. I-i can't leave naruto like this. I-i want to protect the man I love!"

Surprised by hinata's words, all kakashi could do was agree and go back to the village as quick as possible. Hinata, Naruto. Don't die on me.

The black sphere grew double in size and began to expand. All of the sand shinobi began assaulting it with all wind justus, but nothing worked, it continued to expand until it bursted open. The impact the sphere gave threw all of the shinobi back, and even stumbling hinata who was a great distance away. Naruto, at the center of the the combustion, had appeared with 6 tails, and his chakura cloak had disappeared. His skin was seen as blood, and all of his human characteristics were gone.

None of the akastuki were seen, and the shinobi's were only worried about naruto. "Everyone we must use all of our power to stop naruto. Do not kill him, he is an ally of ours and has lost control of his power. Subdue him and bring him back alive" Gaaras voiced was heard by all his village, and they followed his orders.

All hinata could think of was, "I have to go to him. I can make him back to normal."

"Why can't I gain control.... I don't want to hurt my allies... Hinata... Gaara... The sand village ... Please... Help me..." My thoughts echoed within a vast, pitch black, empty room. I curled my self in ball waiting for any form of light to appear. I was scared out of my mind. A picture of hinata smiling came to mind, "I just wish she doesn't see me like this... I don't want to hurt her"...

sorry I'm late with this update, and I know its exteremly short, been busy with school. Besides that I hope you liked it.




Do what you got to do. Hope you enjoyed bye.

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