Chapter 10

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My body was beginning to be engulfed by this hate, this darkness that Kurama was the embodiment of.

"Is this my end?... Will I not become hokage?... Hinata... I... I... I... Think ....I ....... You..." I close my eyes, welcoming the hatered to take me over.

"NARUTO!" A voice that I've recognized, reached this darkness that had almost became me. "C-come back to me! I... I love you naruto!"

My eyes flickered open, and I began to fight the hate. "Not today nine tails," my chakura expanded breaking the grip the darkness had upon me, and a glistening light illuminated  me.


Hinata had ran to me as ran berserk. As she tried to grabbed hold of me, in my unconscious state my rage had almost consumed her as well. "NARUTO, C-come back to me! I... I love you naruto!" As my tails were about to pierce her body, Gaara had used his sand to restrict their movements.

"I love you naruto" the only words that echoed in my head. "Hinata.... I love.... You..... Too" my thoughts began to run wild, my unwilling body, finally came back to me. "Not today nine tails." One by one, my tails began to fade. Gaara loosened his grip each time a tail left, until I fell into hinatas arms.

"N-naruto! A-are you okay?" She pulled me close to her chest, and began to tear up.

"Idiot," I said smiling, with a face full of exhaustion. "don't cry," I whip away a tear that slowly made it ways down her cheek, "Hinata... I... I love you too."

With excitement hinata had embraced me, but suddenly let go, as her face began to grew a crimson red. "Na-naruto.... Y-you heard me say that?.."

With a big smile on my face, I grab her face and gently pull it towards mine. "Of course I did," I whispered to her, than gave her a passionate kiss.


"How pitiful this had turned out," Sasuke proclaimed in annoyance. "The akastuki were wiped out in such a short time and naruto gains consciousness." Sasuke begins to do hand signs, "I'm going to finish this, as if it were my own goal. Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!" A large clump of fire shot out of his mouth, speeding down the desert terrain; turning the sand into glass, as it made its way towards its oblivious enemies. "Jugo, Karin, Suigestu! Go and make mence meat out of those who oppose you"

In unison they all said "RIGHT!" Dispersing in opposite directions they headed down their path of destruction.


During their kiss, i was alarmed. "Hinata," I gently placed me hands on her shoulders, "something's bad is happening. I feel it." I gave her a final peck, "I'm going to see what's happening, wait for The leafs reinforcements, than come to me." With a solemn expression. I was off.

"Naruto, please... Don't get hurt.." She stood stayed as he told her, and waited for word from the Leaf.

"I'll end this, before anything happens" the idea of me being along side hinata gave me a boost of energy, so I rushed to where I saw a commotion.

Flames began to fly in all directions. "Is this all you sand shinobi have to offer? You make me sick." Sasuke wove some hand signs and shot lighting arrows to those that surrounded him. "Hmph."

"Sasuke..." I was in disbelief, I saw my former team mate, my best friend, kill my allies. "SASUKEEE!!" I ran to him full speed, and summoned two shadow clones, who began to help manipulate two rasengans in both my hands. With little than a second to spare, he avoided my first rasengan, but my second one canceled out but a chidori spear he shot out.



"Today is the day I sever our bond, Naruto!"

Again sorry for being so late, been lazy and also pretty busy. Hope you enjoy.

You know what to do

:) let me know what your thoughts are and I'll be glad to improve

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