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(Sorry I forgot to mention that the flashback is still happening. If any of you guys were confused, I hope this clears it up!) yes, I just realized I spelled Ayaka as Ayako. Don't mind me..

Ayaka's POV:
It's been a couple of years since Sei-kun and I first met. Now that I'm thirteen, Hoshino-san "promoted" me up to his assistant! I'm so happy!

It was 7:00 P.M. I had been helping Ms. Fujioka clean the classroom. Ms. Fujioka was a very kind lady. She knew about my current situation, (I had no family), and she was very understanding. She always tells me to talk to her if I need anything- and not in a pitiful way. Teiko Middle School has some nice teachers.

Anyways, as I was walking home, I saw a person playing basketball at the local basketball court. I wonder who it is? I start to approach the person
(to all the kids at home, if you see a mysterious figure and you're not sure who this person is, don't approach them. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS ANYWHERE).
As I get closer to take a look, I hide in the bushes to see who it is. As I get a better look at the person, I see that it's a red head- Wait, is that Sei-kun? I know that he plays basketball, but I didn't know he played so well. He was sweating and panting. He must be working hard. He looks kinda cute right now- Wait, what am I saying? I immediately start to blush. What am I thinking? Sei-kun is my friend, nothing more, nothing less.

As I'm thinking about my conflicting feelings for Sei-kun, he suddenly takes off his shirt. HOLY SMOKES I'M NOT READY FOR THIS. UWAAAAA!!!

"SQUEE!!!" I immediately cover my mouth. God dangit it Ayaka! You just blew your cover Baka!

"Who's there?" Sei-kun says. Crap crap crap crap crap. Why did I have to go and squeal like that!?!??

"I'll ask once again, who's there?" He says once again. CRAP! I try to make my getaway but make the bushes rustle really loudly in the process.

"Hiding in the bushes, eh? Well, it'll do no use, whoever you are." Sei-kun says.

He walks to the bushes and finds me.

"Oh so you're from Teiko? What are you doing-" he takes my hat off.

He then says, very surprised, "Ayako? What're you doing here?" My blush deepens.

"Sei-kun! Pl-please put on a s-shrit!!!" I say nervously.

"Like what you see?" He replies.

I retort, "No p-pervert! Have some decency!"

"Fine, fine!" He smirks.


Explaining to him why I came here was rather awkward. I didn't tell him about me being a peeping-tom though... WAIT I WASN'T PEEPING! I WAS SIMPLY "ADMIRING" HIM! YES, ADMIRING.

"You know Ayaka, you really shouldn't approach people you don't know like that. Who knows I could've been. If I weren't here, it could've been some perverted man (*cough *cough Aomine). Be more careful." He scolds me.

I've never seen this side of Sei-kun before. I feel happy that he cares for me.

"Sorry I made you worry Sei-kun." I grin stupidly as I say this.

"Why are you smiling? This is serious."

"N-no reason!" I respond.

Sei-kun proceeds to walk me home. He knows where I live because he's been to my house before.

That night, before I fell asleep, I thought of Sei-kun.

From Past to Present (Akashi x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin