Kuroko: The Love Advisor

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Kuroko's milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, and they're like- I'll stop now. Kuroko gets his spotlight!

Ayaka's POV:
I was walking to school today. Alone. Every since Last week, Sei-kun has been so close, yet, so far away. We have every single class together, and yet, we only talk when it's necessary.
After school, I go to the basketball practice, as per usual.

"Hello Ayaka-san." I suddenly here from behind me.

"Oh. It's just you Tetsu-kun (Kuroko TETSUya)." I reply unenthusiastically.

"Is something the matter Ayaka-San?"
He asks.

Before I can answer, all of GOM walk into the gym.

"Hello everyone! Start off by running 5 laps around the gym. I'll tell you the instructions after you all have finished." I instruct everyone.

Dai-kun then says, "What's the point? We're already the number 1 middle school basketball team in Japan. Why do we even need to-"

He was interrupted by me "high-fiving" his face.

"Listen up, and listen good. I'm your coach, and you listen to your coach. Don't question my orders. Just do as your told! And, Aomine Daiki, don't sound like such an arrogant jerk! Not everyone in the world is a prodigy like you, ok!?!" I yell at Dai-kun.

The whole gym becomes silent. And no, it's not a comfortable silences. It's the most awkward silence I've ever felt. I feel Sei-kun's "superiority" has rubbed off on me. Sei-kun... Why? Why won't he talk to me anymore? What did I do? J-just, what did I do wrong?

After practice is over, we don't meet up at the local convenience store like we usually do. I think everyone's scared of my sudden outburst. As per usual, Sei-kun ignores me. Everyone leaves except Kuroko.

"What're you still doing here Tetsu-kun?" I asked, smiling sadly.

"Tell me what happened." Kuroko replies.

"I told you, nothing-"
"Quit lying Ayaka-san. No one like to see our coach sad.
"Honestly Testu-kun, nothing is-"

"Let me guess," Kuroko continues, "It's about Akashi-kun, isn't it?"

"Am I that obvious?" I say, sadly laughing.

"I can read you like an open book." He replies.
He then says, "You can let your emotions out on me. I don't mind."

"Really?" I ask him to make sure.

"Really." He answers back.

My eyes start to tear up a little. A few seconds later, I'm a sobbing mess.

"I-I just don't know what to do! Sei-kun has always been like family (Ya, "family") to me, and now that he hates me, I don't know what to do anymore. He always helped me through rough times, played shogi with me, took care of me, and, and." My words are barely audible.

"Remember Ayaka-san, besides Akashi, everyone on the basketball team is there for you too." Tetsu-kun says reassuringly.
Right as he says that, the rest of GOM (excluding Sei-kun) walk out of the bushes.

"W-where did you guys come from?" I asks flustered.

"We were here all the time Ayaka-cchi!" Ryo-kun suddenly gives me a death squeeze.

"Ryo-kun, I'm gonna die of suffocation if you don't let go of me." I reply in a joking manner.

"Ah! Gomen!" He says, embarrassed. He's just so feeling cute!

"Um, Hayashi, I'm... I'm sorry. And you don't look pretty when you cry." Dai-kun says.

I wear a guilty face. I didn't mean to hurt Dai-kun in anyway.
"No I should be the one apologizing. I love how Ahomine is acting all sincere and stuff!" I say happily.

"S-shut up!" He retorts.

"Don't cry, nanodayo." Shin-kun reassuringly says.

"Aw! Being all Tsun-tsun again? Teehee!" I teasingly say.

He looks away, blushing. Such a tsundere. He literally like a character right our of a manga or anime (Oh the irony).

"Aya-chin, do you want a chip?" Sushi-kun asks me as his adorable giant self.

"Thank you Sushi-kun!" I proceed to munch on the whole bag. Sushi-kun wasn't mad, so I wasn't either.

"Thank you guys! I'm sorry for yelling at you all back there. It's just that..." I paused.

"Akashi-kun and Ayaka-san are having dating issues, and they need my help to improve their relationship ." Tetsu-kun continued.
I blushed a really bright red.

"Tetsu-kun! T-that's, n-n-not true a-t all!" I replied, embarrassed.

"You guys are so obvious. How many times have you done it?" AHOMINE asked.

Ryo-kun and Shin-kun turned bright red. Oh their innocent minds.

"PERVERT! Stop making up lies, Ahomine! Your gonna make Ryo-kun and Shin-kun into perverts just like you!" I said angrily.

Sushi-kun couldn't care less about what was happening right now. All he cared about was the pack of maiubo he bought recently.

And the day concluded with Aomine Daiki getting a black eye from Ayaka
Hayashi. Murasakibara Atsushi left to the convenience to buy some more maiubo, while Kise Ryouta chipped a nail, so he went home. Midorima Shintaro broke his lucky item and started freaking out. Kuroko Tetsuya was left unnoticed. You could say this was usual day.

Sorry I just had to have that little narration part there. Also, I think (the keyword is THINK) that the flashback is almost over. At most there'll be 3-4 more chaps. Hopefully it won't take hat long

From Past to Present (Akashi x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin