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Ayaka's POV:
The Inter-High was coming up soon, and Rakuzan, without a doubt, were practicing twice as hard than they were before. With me as their coach, I pushed them to their limits, especially Buchi-kun since he's been idiot this week. We have a complicated relationship. Anyway, it was right after practice and I was going to see Sei-kun.

"Sei-kun? Where are you~" I asked in a song-song way.

I walked farther into the gym when I saw him practicing. I'm glad that even though he's already really good at basketball (and he knows it) that he still continues to practice unlike some juvenile delinquents (Dai-kun/Sushi-kun).

I was approaching him when I noticed that his face looked unusually red; not the embarrassed type of red, but the sickly type of red.

"Sei-kun, are you alright? You don't look so good." I worriedly asked.

"I'm fine. You should be more concerned about your own health, Ayaka." He sassily replied. What's up with him today?

"Fine! be that way!" I said, slightly annoyed. He seemed amused by this.
I was only concerned for his health...

Not too long after that, Sei-kun's face looked even worse.

"Sei-kun, you really don't look ok. It's getting late, we should be going home soon anyway.''

As soon as I suggested we go home, he collapsed.

"Oh my gosh, Sei-kun!" I immediately ran to his aid. His face was burning hot.

I ended up carrying him back to our dorm, which was, fortunately, not too far. I'm so glad he doesn't weigh as much as Sushi-kun. I would've died if I had to carry him.

Once we got back to the dorm, I laid him down on my bed. He never wanted me to enter his room without permission.

I got a towel and soaked it in hot water. I folded the towel and put it on his forehead. I got blankets and wrapped them around him. He looked so peaceful.

'If only he always looked like this.' I thought.

Stupidly enough, I fell asleep on him as well.

Akashi's POV:
I woke up in a room that didn't belong to me. Looking around the room I saw anime posters, manga, etc. I knew i was in Ayaka's room. I guess she took care of me since she's sleeping on my lap, ironically. I don't know what has gotten into me. How can I, out of all people, be sick? It's ridiculous!


She just snored. Sigh. I don't know what I'm gonna do with her. Since I felt less sickly than before, I lifted her onto her bed. After that, she and I fell asleep together.

Soooo the "filler" portion is going to be over soon and I'm going to start following the actual/anime part now. Finally. So I think the Inter-High/Winter Cup stuff is coming up next. Sayonara~

From Past to Present (Akashi x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin