School Life

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Time for some more Akashi and Ayaka! Double A! I felt that I needed to take a chill pill since I was writing new chapters every hour :P Without further-a-do, here is the next chapter:

Ayaka's POV:
I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. 'Where am I?' I mentally asked myself.i then remembered that I'm attending Rakuzan now. I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:50. Oh it's only 7:50. Wait, HOLY FRUK (Eh? Eh? EH?) IT'S 7:50!!! I have to be at school by 8:00. Where's Sei-kun?

"Good morning Ayaka." Sei-kun said calmly.

"What do you mean 'good morning'??!?? Why didn't you wake me up?" I shouted, very stressed.

"I figured that if I always wake you up in the morning, you'd never be able to get up by yourself. You could call it training for your future life." Sei-kun lectured.

"UGH!" I said frustratedly. Why do you always have to be like this Sei-kun?

As soon as I finished getting ready, Sei-kun and I rushed to our classes. We both had science first period.

"Phew! Made it just in time." I said loudly.

Everyone stared at me. Was there something on my face? It might be part of the banana I ate this morning; whatever.

"Ms. Hayashi, please take a seat." The teacher said.

"H-Hai." I replied, embarrassed. I heard a couple of giggles from a group of girls. Oh, so Rakuzan is THAT type of school. I mean the one with different cliques. Jocks, nerds, preps, geeks, gamers, and then Sei-kun (HAHAHAHA Sei-kun has his own group!).

After science, I had English. I must say, my english was not too shabby. I pronounced the words properly and my grammar was mediocre (I swear english grammar can be so confusing; and I'm American).

Soon after it was lunch. I was looking for Sei-kun when I accidentally bumped into a girl. Boy did she look pissed.

"Who do YOU think you are? Do you even know who you're talking to-"

"Sorry, gotta go! No time to speak!" I said in a rush.

"Get back here you little- AGH!" The girl said angrily.

I've experienced bullying in my lifetime and honestly, I just ignore them. I don't waste my time on lowlifes like them. I have better things to do.

Now, where's Sei-kun? Aha! I found you. I snuck up behind him.

"Hey there! Whatcha doin'?" I asked curiously.

"Come on. Tell me what's up?"
"Play shogi with me."

This caught me off guard. I hadn't played shogi with Sei-kun in a loonngg time. I really missed it.

"Sure! Where do you wanna play?" I asked enthusiastically.

"In the shogi club." He replied.

"Oh YA! I was thinking of joining the shogi club, what do you think? Should I?" I asked.

"Whatever you think is best suited for you." He replied nonchalantly.

"Cold." I pouted.

When we arrived, we set up the shogi board and all of the pieces as well.

"Ready?" He asked.
"Ready." I replied.

We played for a long time, I lost track.

"W-wait. Wh- Huh?" I asked confused.

"What?" He replied with no emotion.

"Did I just, did I just win?" I asked.

"You did." He replied, slightly smirking.

"I won. I WON!!! Yay! I WON!" I celebrated by dancing all over the room.

"Hm. You still have it in you, don't you?" Sei-kun said.

I slightly blushed.

"Y-You think so?" I questioned him to make sure.
"Yes I do." He reassured me.

"Say, Ayaka, what do you think about being the coach for Rakuzan?" He sneakily asked.

"Oh come on! Me? Coaching? I still don't understand why you want me to do it!" I asked, confused as hell.

"Will you disobey me?" He questioned.
"Is that a threat?" I replied.
"Not unless you want it to be." He answered.

I blushed again. That sounded a little perverted. Not gonna lie.

"....Fine, fine I'll do it!" I said, annoyed.

"Hmph." He grunted triumphantly.

Lunch ended soon after we finished our game. Sei-kun and I have history together. During class, Sei-kun is like a completely different person in class. He's so attentive that it scares me. He doesn't let anything bother him.

Apparently, Rakuzan LOVES to give out tests in the beginning of the year. Psh. I think I've had tests in all my subjects so far.

I swear, fifteen minutes later, Sei-kun had finished his test. It was like five pages? It was like not humanly possible. Then again, Sei-kun was probably not human.
I ended up finishing my test one hour later. I was the third to finish. Phew! Done with that.

(Sorry I don't really like to go into depth about school since I already go to school everyday and don't necessarily enjoy it)

It's mandatory to join a club at Rakuzan. Sei-kun was doing basketball, of course, so I figured that I should continue my hobby of shogi.
I was overjoyed that they had a shogi club. If only Hoshino-san were her as well... Oh well. I'll visit him soon.

After school, I went back to the dorm quickly. I was gonna go out to find jobs since I'm out of cash at the moment. I tried to look presentable, took my things, and was about to leave when someone behind me said,

"Where are you going, Ayaka?" It was no other then Sei-kun. That sneaky bastard.

"Oh my god! Don't sneak up behind me TEME!" I shouted at him.

"It was just a question. Where are you going?" He said, persistent.

"Job interview. I need to find one ASAP. I'm already broke, so I need to get a job to make as much money as I can." I said sadly.

"You shouldn't be working so hard for someone of your age." He scolded.

"Well I don't have much of a choice, do I?" I replied hastily.

"If you are really short in cash I could-" I cut him off.

"No. I'm independent enough to make money for myself. Thanks anyway."

He smirks. "Suit yourself."

"Anyway, I got to go. See ya later?"


I walk out of the door with more confidence then I had before. You can do this Ayaka!

DONE! This took me a couple days one in part to my laziness, the other due to the fact that I couldn't really think of any interesting ideas. Rakuzan basketball team is coming up soon!

From Past to Present (Akashi x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin