Teiko Days

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I know Akashi is in a Rakuzan uniform but please just deal with it.

Ayaka's POV:
Sei-kun and attend the same middle school: Teiko. It's a prestigious school and is very well-known for their basketball.
Sei-kun is in the school's basketball club.
There I met the captain, Nijimura, and many of the other players as well. The ones that stood out to me the most were a few men by the name of Midorima Shintaro, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi, and Haizaki Shougo.

I learned that Shin-kun (Midormia SHINtaro) was a total tsundere. He was just like Taiga from Toradora (not Kagami Taiga). He kept denying his tsundere-ness, but that made him even more of a tsundere. I also learned about his unhealthy obsession with OhAsa. Well, some people have weird fetishes, so I respect that.

I then, regretfully, met Dai-kun (Aomine DAIki). He was quite handsome, I must admit, but a total pervert. He's obsessed with breasts and is constantly judging women by how "large" they are. I actually wouldn't be surprised if he was gay (YAOI FANGIRL HERE). I think I read too much manga. No. There is NEVER enough manga or anime in the world!!!!

Next comes Sushi-kun (yes, sushi, A.K.A. Murasakibara AtSUSHI). If I were to describe him, I'd call him a gigantic teddy bear. He looks intimidating, but he's really just a little kid! Oh ya, I think he's gonna get diabetes in near the future- seriously though. He eats WAY too many sweets.

I "admired" them all except for Haizaki. He didn't seem very kind or even the least interested in basketball either. It probably was just to pick up girls. How disgusting.

I was watching Sei-kun and the rest of the basketball club have their practice. I watched from the sidelines.

'Sei-kun really is good in everything.' I admittedly remarked.

After practice I waited for Sei-kun to change into his uniform. While waiting, a person suddenly sneaked behind me.

"Hey pretty girl, wanna get outta here?"

Ew. It was Haizaki.

"No thank you. I need to get home anyway." I said. I might strongly dislike him, but I have manners.

"How 'bout I walk you home? It's getting late outside." He replied.

"I said 'no thank you'. Now, if you could please leave me alone-" I was cut off by no other than Sei-kun. I was wondering what took him so long.

"Ayaka said no twice. I don't think she'll need to say it for a third time, now will she?"

"Tsk. You two aren't worth my time anyway. There are way pretty girls than you anyway!" Haizaki walked away.

Hey, I never said I was pretty.

"Thanks Sei-kun! Even though I could've beaten him up myself if it was necessary." I thanked him.

"No problem. Just stop being so vulnerable." He said teasingly.

"I can't help it that I'm just so cute!" I responded.

He smiled. Wait, did he just smile? OH MY NARUJESUS HE SMILED!!!
I immediately took out my little notebook.

"What're you doing?" Akashi asked curiously.

"Well, whenever you smile, I take out my notebook and make a tally mark for every time it happens." I say happily.

He scoffs.

"What's so funny?" I pout.

He responds, "It's just that sometimes you're just so unpredictable. Even my eyes can't see it coming."

I blush at his statement. "I'll take that as a compliment." I say, embarrassed.

"However you wish to interpret it." He responds.

He walks me home. Even though I refuse at first, Sei-kun is persistent, and in the end, he walks me home anyway. Aish, he always gets his way!

We arrive at my house.

"Ne, ne, Sei-kun, lets play a game of shogi!"
"It's 10:00 P.M. Ayaka."

Sei-kun cuts me off before I can even finish my sentence. How rude!

"Just one game." He says.

"YAY!" I reply.

After the first game, we end up playing more than one game. We played five more times, and I lost; EVERY SINGLE TIME!

"Wah! Why are you so good at EVERYTHING? So unfair." I say, complaining.

"Life's unfair." He replies with a smirk.
"Hmph!" I pout.

After moments of silence, I suddenly fall asleep. I dream that Sei-kun and I are in a field full of nice smelling flowers. As I'm lying in the field, he plays with my hair and kisses my forehead. I smile and drift off sleeping while I'm actually sleeping....

From Past to Present (Akashi x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin