Chapter 1

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Y/n POV *BTW: you are in 6th year*

I'm walking through the halls about to head to my next class, Potions. I am fairly good at Potions, but not like Severus Snape good, another Slytherin  I know. As I'm walking there, I see the Marauders goofing off in the hallways. I see the bookworm, Remus. The bad-boy ladies-man, Sirius. Runty Peter. And James Potter. The most lovesick boy I've ever heard of. I never liked the Marauders. They were so immature (a/n: I do not mean any of this I am so sorry Marauders! Its for the story line. I actually love the Marauders and you will later see me (my character) snogging with Remus :3 sorry not sorry.). I brush past them and walk into the Potions classroom. I sit down in my seat just in time for Professor Slughorn to start the lesson. "Alright kids! I am choosing your partners today! We are brewing Amortentia!" 

He starts reading names off the list. "Remus-Sydney" (a/n: wink wink) he called out first. Then, "Josie-Lucius". After that I started zoning out until my name was called. "Y/n-Regulus" He calls out. Then he finishes up the list, saying "OK, everyone meet your partners and get to work on the Amortentia!" I gulp. Hoping my partner is somewhat nice. Slughorn then calls out, "Wait! Remember; no one is allowed to smell the potion until 2 months have passed. I would like to do this because who knows what could happen in the next two months (a/n: if you know what I mean). Then you will smell it." 

Right after he finishes his speech, everyone disperses  and goes to find there partners. Sydney and Remus are being cute and awkward together, as James and Sirius watch them and from time to time whisper "I ship it" to each other. 

All of the sudden, a guy (a handsome one at that) walks over to me and says, "I'm Regulus, your partner.  Let's get started." He holds out his hand for me to shake. I look into his startling grey eyes, and notice his high cheekbones and curly black hair and... wait. What am I thinking? I just met this guy!

I took his hand and shook it twice. "I'm Y/n."

And with that he sat down next to me, the supplies needed for the potion already put out.

As we make the Potion, we talk. Nothing too deep, but small talk. The weather, favorite tea, and how they both ship Wolfstar but know that Remus and Sydney are meant to be (a/n: do not judge me for endorsing my own ships, a.k.a, Wolfstar and me with Remus). And we soon realize that we had both already finished making the Amortentia. The second we do, Professor Slughorn sister snatches  (a/n: I'm sorry I just had to) our potion, pours it in a bottle and stores it away. 

Soon everyone else finishes, and class is dismissed. Regulus and I bid each other a farewell and go our separate ways. I am really going to miss him I thought. He is so sweet, so sincere, so handsome. Wait. I can't be thinking like this! Why am I thinking like this? (a/n:"you're in love. true love." Taylor Swift anybody?)

I think I will see him again. 

The Rose to His Thorn (Regulus Black x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now