Chapter 8

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A/n: If you forget what everyone is wearing go to Chapter 7. Also, remember that this is a masquerade ball, so everyone has a cool mask (not the pandemic kind) on their face

Y/n's POV

Regulus and I make our way to the middle of the dance floor. I see Sydney and Remus to my left, Andromeda and Teddy to my right, and Josie sitting next to Amos on the sideline of the dance floor. Bella said that she and Rodolphus (A/n: Damn I actually spelled that right.) are going to get some air. And Cissy and Lucius are getting drinks for everyone. And y/b/f (A/n: not me totally forgetting that y/b/f exists.) with a boy from Gryffindor (A/n: Or whoever you want idgaf). Then the waltz starts playing. (A/n: I know nothing about the waltz, I just hope you do. Because that is what you are dancing to.) 

"Shall we dance?" Regulus asks with flair. "We shall." I respond. 

As we gracefully glide across the room, I see Ella dancing with a boy from Hufflepuff (A/n: This is not the Yule Ball. So all Hogwarts students, no matter what year they are in, are invited). And the Slytherins that bullied her nowhere to be found. I see James dancing with Lily, both as happy as can be. Peter dancing with a Ravenclaw boy (A/n: Just roll with it. I wasn't going to let him be alone. Plus, we need some gay pride.) both being awkward but cute, and Sirius and his Shampoo bottle sneaking some alcohol into the punch (A/n: Don't worry he is not drugging anyone, no roofies, just a teenager and the love of his life sneaking some firewiskey into the punch.)

Regulus looks at me, his dimpled smile growing even wider at the sight of us together. I have the sudden urge to kiss him right then and there, but I don't (A/n: Okay I know you horny people want some intimate sh!t going on, but I'm saving their first kiss for a very dramatic and suspenseful moment)

--Time skip to after a bunch of songs play and the ball is almost over.--

Regulus and I have been dancing the night away for hours. With nothing except dazzling smiles and loving looks between us. As the ball comes to an end, I realize that Josie is nowhere to be found. I look over and see Sydney is also wearing a confused look on her face, wondering where Josie is. As the last song finishes, I look at Regulus and say, "I can't find Josie anywhere, I am going to go talk to Sydney." Regulus looks thoughtful for a moment, "I'll come with you." he says. I am thankful for the help. 

We go over to Sydney and Remus on the sidelines, and see Remus and Sydney talking with confused looks on their faces, Sydney probably told him. "We can't find Josie anywhere, can you help us find her?" I ask them. "Of course, Remus and I were just about to ask you the same thing." Sydney replies. "Okay let's go." Regulus says. And so we leave the ballroom to go find Josie (A/n: Don't worry she has not been kidnapped or raped.)

(A/n: Okay at this point they took their masks off) We looked in the Astronomy tower, Slytherin common room, black lake, prefects bathroom, potions tower, and any other place in the Castle. "Where is she?" Remus asks. "There is only one place we haven't checked." I say. Sydney looks at me. And as if she read my mind, she said, "The forbidden forest." she says ominously. 

"Let's go then." Remus says, his Gryffindor shining through. And so we head off, into the dark and ominous forbidden forest. We soon hear weeping, and turn the corner to see Josie, her body racking with sobs, sitting against a tree.

Sydney and I immediately run to her side. "What's wrong?" I ask. "A-Amos d-d-ditched me. H-he said I w-wasn't g-g-good enough." Josie replies, stuttering. "WHAT!?!?!" Sydney says, glowing with rage. Sydney gives Josie a quick hug. "I'll see you guys in the dorm. I have somewhere to be. Also, where did you last see Amos?" "In the courtyard with another girl." Josie says, somewhat regaining her composure. "Okay then, bye. Remus, you are coming with me." Sydney says, grabs Remus, then leaves. 

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