Chapter 7

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---Time Skip because my lazy @ss can't handle this---

Y/n's POV

Tonight is the night of the Ball. Sydney is Remus's date, James won a bet against Lily and is now going with her as her date, Sirius says he is "too cool" for that and is taking a shampoo bottle as his date "Because nothing matters more than my love, my hair" he said. Josie and Sydney still haven't forgiven each other. And I am not sure if they ever will.

News of Regulus and I going together went around. Cissy and Bella are skeptical about it, but won't say anything, and Andromeda, being the Queen that she is (A/n: We stan for Andromeda here), is perfectly okay with it, and is happy as long as I am happy. 

And, tonight, is the night that is described as "awesome" by Hogwarts students. Cissy being one of those students. 

"Hey Y/n, can I talk to you?" Sydney says, coming into our dorm room and looking around before sitting next to me. "Yeah, of course, it's only me and you here." I say, concerned. "Well, I thought I would tell you because I don't trust anyone else with this information, that I am bisexual." she says nervously. I realize that this is the first time I have ever seen her without confidence. "I like girls and guys, and I hope you are okay with it." she says (A/n: I know that now it isn't that big of a deal coming out as bisexual, I mean obviously it is, but there isn't a lot of fear instilled into it, but I mean that is just my personal experience. But in the time period, Y/n is in, the LGBTQ+ protection laws were not created and enforced yet, so it was quite scary and dangerous coming out.) "Oh wow! Good for you! How did you realize?" I say, Sydney mirroring my wide smile. "When I got jealous that Josie was going with Amos. But we are better off as friends. Remus and I are happy together." Sydney replies. "You should apologize to her soon." I say. "Yeah, I probably should." She replies. "Thank you for this, now I shall go to apologize to Josie!" Sydney said with great splendor and left. 

--Time skip to tonight because no one likes a boring chapter--

I stand in front of the mirror, Cissy curling the last strand of hair (A/n: I am sorry if you do not have long hair, but the long hairstyle that I chose for you looks hot as fuuck with the dress.), while Andromeda applies the last touches to my makeup (A/n: Whatever makeup you want dude, idgaf). And then, they finished, as well as Bella, Sydney, and Josie (Sydney and Josie made up). We are all ready, and we head down the grand staircase, looking like goddesses. 

What Bellatrix is wearing:

What Bellatrix is wearing:

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