Chapter 16

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A/n: I find it funny that I'm writing a fanfic about Regulus x reader but I ship Jegulus. Anyway, please enjoy! and before you get mad at me abt the end, REMEMBER THAT I SAID THERE WOULD BE A HAPPY ENDING. SO YOU'RE GONNA WAIT. 

~the next day~

Y/n's POV:

Well we made it to the Potters house successfully. It didn't take a lot of persuasion on James' part for him to let his best mate use his house for a while. Even with vague answers as to why. Which we are eternally grateful for.

Because James can't know.

He can't know that Peter must work with the dark lord. But he also can't know all that Peter did for us. 

It's absolutely terrible that we have to keep everything from him, but it's all we can do. 

We soon found out that Regulus' house elf, Kreacher, will be helping us.

We'll need all the help we can get if we're going to destroy a horcrux.

As we make it inside, Kreacher says, "You will need to train and get your strength up if we're going to go back there. Practice harmful spells. And remember what is needed to destroy the horcrux." 

Regulus and I nodded our heads in agreement. As did Sirius (A/n: And it's finally me and you and you and me, just us, and you friend STEVE).

It was grueling. I mean, they never told us training would be easy. But aside from practicing spells, practicing how to dodge spells, training using hexes, charms, and curses, we just sleep and try to get enough rest for the next day.

We were told that if it came to it, we would have to use an unforgivable curse. Which of course I am prepared for, but let's just hope it doesn't come to that. 

3rd Person POV:

After a couple weeks of training, they were finally ready. And the plan shall commence.

Plan:                                                                                                                                                                                        1.Go back stealthily (their mode of transportation being a portkey)                                                  2. Take polyjuice that Sirius has been brewing                                                                                                   3. Turn into two deatheaters (they don't know which ones. Sirius has already put the hair in the potion.                                                                                                                                                                             4.Make it past the dark lord and all of his minions.                                                                                         5.Peter (who is in on this) throws the Dark lord off their trail.                                                                 6. Make it to a room that -as Peter described it- is filled with relics                                                       7. Find the horcrux in the room and then destroy it. 

And so they travel by portkey. Then, once they make it to the courtyard, they take the polyjuice potion. With Regulus slowly morphing into Fenrir Greyback and Y/n turning into Avery (A/n: I'M SORRY!! IN THIS TIME PERIOD, I COULDN'T FIND ANY DEATHEATERS OTHER THAN THOSE TWO).

As they walk down a long hallway, in search of the room of relics, Voldemort is heading their way, with Peter tailing behind him. Voldemort gazed at the two secret adolescents while they bowed. Then once he passed, Regulus and Y/n went on their way, scouring for the room (A/n: where it happens) of relics.

They eventually come across a door with odd markings on the handle. "This has to be it" Y/n says. 

They open the door and inside they find their destination. The room (A/n: where it happens) of relics. 

Everywhere, they see old family trees, books with ancient runes on the covers, the books merlin himself made! They find, old weapons, hogwarts school pictures, letters to "Tom", pictures of kids with sullen faces in front of an orphanage, and everything covered in a layer of dust. Except the windows.

After searching for a little while, Kreacher exclaimed, "Found it!" (A/n: Don't question how he got past everything in the Manor. He's a house elf. He got that ✨magic)

"Hold on. I need to do this." Regulus says, holding the locket with such rigor. "I should" Y/n states. Then takes the locket from him. Just as Y/n is about to utter another word, the Polyjuice potion starts morphing Regulus and Y/n into their original selves. 

Y/n's POV:

Just then, the door bursts open. And Voldemort and a couple of his followers strode in. "Ah, Y/n, Regulus, there you are" Voldemort says coldly. "I was afraid I would have to hunt you down. A pity that would be. When you have been here all along. In plain sight. I'm afraid, that you must not be here anymore." Voldemort says with a chuckle. 

I notice that Kreacher is behind me, out of Voldemort's line of sight. I slip the locket into his hands. "Destroy it and replace that one with the fake" I whisper. 

And then, Voldemort uttered a few words, and me and Regulus fell to the ground. 

I see a black dog watching us through the window.

Then there was a white light. 

A/n: uh heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

If you didn't get it, Regulus and Y/n just died

And sirius was the black dog. you know, the one that witnessed their death. Just something for you to cry about. im already in tears :)



JUST YOU WAIT (im waiting for my fellow hamifans to jump into the comments)

But uh, sorry ig?

Anyway, goodbye till the next chapter! You're worth it <3


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