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Hello dear readers! I know, this is not an update, and I know most of you reading this are going to skip or something. But before you do, I am asking you to check out a Harry Potter Characters x Reader One-Shot book made by crimsonlightening. I am doing this because I endorsed this book on CL's comments section without their permission. They emailed me saying that is not okay, and asked me to take down the comments. I feel terrible about this and wish I didn't do that. So, as a way to say sorry, and a way to endorse their awesome book, I am tagging crimsonlightening and hoping you guys will read their book! As I said earlier, I feel absolutely terrible about this. So please check it out! Learn from my example and NEVER endorse your creations off of someones else's stuff. You will feel horrible about it later and regret every minute of it. If you are reading this, I am so so so so so so sorry CL! Always remember to ask for permission readers! 

Peace out!

              -Author Sydney

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