Chapter 13

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Time skip to the next morning.

Y/n's POV

I wake up to the sound of Sydney's (slightly off-key) singing.

🎶"Get the fuck up darling. Its a beautiful day to talk about your feelings!"🎶

Sydney then flops down on my bed and gets straight (A/n: gay) to the point.

"You smelled Regulus in your Amortentia didn't you?" she says. I groan into my pillow before sitting next to her on the bed. "Yeah." We sit in silence for a moment.

"Okay. So do you love him?" Sydney asks. "Well, no." I say in defiance.

Sydney sighs and gets up. She walks over to get her computer from her bed (A/n: I know they don't have computers in this time period. But chill tf out it is ESSENTIAL for this next scene. We'll just forget about the computer later) and sits back down next to me. She opens her laptop and clicks around for her desktop screen. Then clicks around on Google until she gets to google slides (A/n: the moment you and I have been waiting for)

A/n: I'll link it in the comments as well. If it gives you editing access, please don't change anything. Please let me know if it gives you editing access. I'll try and think of something else.

"these are the MULTIPLE reasons why you and Regulus are meant to be together. A PowerPoint made by Sydney. Live it, love it, learn it."

While I read the PowerPoint Sydney keeps looking at me with a shit-eating grin on her face. After I finish it she gives me an expectant look. "Is this supposed to convince me?" I say with a laugh. "Perhaps not but this should." Sydney says then holds her wand to my neck.

In a low voice she says, "My ship will sail. Ima go talk to Regulus. Bye." She then hops up from my bed and runs to Regulus's dorm before I can stop her. 

Sydney's POV

As I'm hunting for Regulus's dorm room, the stench of boys becomes for pungent. I soon find it and barge in and announce my presence. 

I walk in and see only Regulus is there. Sitting forlornly (A/n: Big words. Show me some respect) on his bed, reading a forlorn book. Even the book misses Y/n. Now that's just sad. 

I look Regulus in the eye and say, "Get your act together. No one likes a wimp. Even your book is sad. That's pathetic. I know you're a deatheater."

"Wait how do you know I'm a deatheater?" Regulus asks in disbelief. "You should watch where you put your cute little diary. You dream of Y/n?" I say.

Regulus sputters. "I-I-uh-n-n-no-uh-uhgggggg yes."

"Babes its not gonna do you any good to deny it. Just say you love her and make out already." I say.

"You need to do something. You both deserve to be happy together. The Yule Ball is coming up. So what're you gonna do?" I ask him. "I'm gonna make it up to Y/n, and get her back." Regulus says with finality. 

A/n: Heloooooooo this is your hoe speaking, you're beautiful💗 Please remember to stay safe and stay hydrated! Remember to take your medication if you need to! 

I know the ending is problematic but chill out please. 

My mom found out about my Wattpad account. She was mad at first, but then I told her I write on here and THEN I told her how many reads I have on this book and she let me keep it once she found out her disappointment is a writer.

I know that this chapter was short, I'm sorry, but for me to write the next part this was essential. 

I'M SO SORRY I MADE YOU WAIT!!! AHHHHHHH!!! School has been hectic with all of the end of the school year tests and exams. I try to be on top of it, but that's no excuse. The next part is the Yule Ball! I hope you guys are as exited as I am! I love you all! Bye my lovelies!!!

                                                                                                                                                           -Sydney (your hoe)

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