Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

I walk out to the courtyard and see Regulus waiting for me at our tree overlooking the Black Lake.

"You wanted to tell me something?" I say. Regulus turns around, a smile gracing his beautiful features. 

"Ah yes. Sit down with me." Regulus says (A/n: Damn I'm making him sound like an old man). And so we sat down in the tree. There was a small corner that was clear of roots that was just big enough for us to fit in with our knees touching. Regulus takes a deep breath then begins.

A/n: Please note that I got these lines off of TikTok and am not wording them exactly as they were, so no one can sue me. please don't report this as Copywrite.

"I know you've probably suspected this, but over the last month, I have fallen completely in love with you. I mean who wouldn't? You're a goddess. With that face and that hair... but even if you didn't have a nice face, and had absolutely no hair, for some bizarre medical reason, I would still adore you. And I was wondering if you possibly felt the same way towards me." Regulus said, with a nervous expression (A/n: I don't think it's a good idea to be listening to girl in red while writing about a straight couple. But I do it anyway.)

I just look at him with a shocked expression. Then I nod my head in a yes. "So, I am wondering, if you would consider being my girlfriend?" (A/n: I bet you guys have the cheesiest grin on your face right now)

I immediately jump into his arms, my 'yes' echoing through the courtyard, through the halls, through America maybe. 

Regulus stands up, taking me with him, and presses his forehead to mine. "I love you." he says. "And I love you too." I say. It felt like fireworks were going off. Leaving me with a happy, excited feeling. It didn't feel real (A/n: It's a simulation Tris. Just kidding. Or am I?)

A/n: Okay. I know you Wattpad readers. I am one of you as well. I know what you are thinking. So I will say it. THEY ARE NOT HAVING THEIR FIRST KISS YET. And if you are a good, faithful reader you will wait. We will wait together. Because I am dying to make them kiss. But not yet. You and I will have to wait. 

After that, I walk into my dorm and see Sydney looking at me with the cheesiest sh!t-eating grin ever. 

"So you and Regulus?" She says. "How did you know?" I ask in shock and disbelief. "I have my ways." she says with a flip of her hair. 

"Where's Josie?" I ask.

"Out with some girl from Durmstrang." she says. "Guess we're all getting in relationships huh?" I say. "Yeah, I guess we are." Sydney replies. 

"Hold on, let's go see Regulus. I want to actually meet him." Sydney says. So we head down to the common room. And we see Regulus sitting on the couch in front of the fire reading a book. "Hey Black! C'mere." Sydney says. Regulus looks up, "Hello to you too." he says indifferently. "So I realized that I have never actually met you officially. So hey. I'm Sydney. Let's hug." Sydney brings Regulus close to her and whispers in his ear, "I may not be Y/n's parent, but I love her like I am. Break her heart I will break your face." then smiles as if she didn't threaten him two seconds ago. Regulus goes pale. Then nods. 

They then break from the hug. Regulus walks over to me, "Y/n, your friend is scary." he says. "Yeah and she put a guy in the hospital, don't forget that." I say with a smile. Then we walk over to the couch in front of the fireplace and start talking. Then my mind starts to wander. To potions assignments, Adromedea's new necklace, and eventually the Yule ball.

The Yule Ball will be in a month (A/n: I know its not but just chill tf out). I wonder what will happen.

~~~ Time skip to a week later~~~

Regulus's POV

I look down at the marking on my arm, and all that it symbolizes. The power and darkness that is in this tattoo. I got the dark mark. To please my parents. To feel like I am worth something. To them I am worthless,  nothing more than a pureblood who must be bred with another. To keep the family tree going. I was not of any worth until I got the dark mark. Now when I go home for the holidays I see the hint of respect in my fathers eyes. Letting me know that I am at least of some use. 

But then I think of Y/n. Beautiful (A/n: Don't think you're not), amazing Y/n. I would do anything for her. But there is no going back from this. Y/n is a pureblood. Surely she will understand blood supremacy. Although honestly I don't believe in blood supremacy. But I must now that I work for the dark lord. 

Should I tell her? Maybe. But for now, I will keep this secret safe next to my (A/n: cold) heart. 

A/n: Heyyyyyyyy. I'm really f*cking high right now (but the thing is, when I get high I get sort of philisphpocial). Yet I still finished another chapter! As always, I am taking things too fast with my book, and I am sorry to all the people who had to read this sh!t.

Instead of asking myself a question like I normally would, I am taking this chance to tell you that you are beautiful. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I want you to tell yourself that you are a beautiful, smart independent person every morning. And if you feel like you need to lose weight, only do it if YOU are comfortable with that. Stop being a people pleaser. You do things that make YOU happy. I had a very low point in my life once and came close to start cutt!ng myself. I was not happy with my body image. Don't put yourself through what I did. When you are at school, don't suck your stomach in. If you are not comfortable with it don't do it. You're worth it. Don't forget that. 

If you have any problems with this just private email me on here and I will see it in my inbox. I love you all. Byeee


P.S. Please don't be one of those people who comments "Consent is hot" or "Consent is sexy" on smut stories. CONSENT IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT AND IF SOMEONE IS NOT GIVING THAT TO YOU YOU RUN THE HELL OUT OF THERE. Just thought I would tell you. 

The Rose to His Thorn (Regulus Black x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now