Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV

I wake up in a dark, cold room. Regulus is at my side. We look at each other panicked. But before we can say anything, A cold voice, almost reptilian, speaks up. "Ah, Y/n, Regulus. So glad you two could join us." 

Regulus and I jerk our head towards the sound of him (A/n: no it's not my ex)

And then we see him.

In all his glory.


He still looks young. Like he's fresh out of school. But reptilian features are coming to the light as well. His nose slightly smaller, and is he... balding?

Regulus pales, then, without even thinking, he blurted out, "Do whatever you want with me but don't hurt Y/n." he says with a sense of urgency.

Voldemort just chuckles. 

"Why did you do this?" Regulus asks.

"Love is a weakness. Love makes you weak. You've gone soft dear Regulus." 

"How did you find us?" Regulus asks

"Oh my dear boy, we have a spy. Peter, come here. You've met him before haven't you?"

Peter comes out of the shadows. then walks toward us (we're tied to chairs).

As he gets closer, Peter winks at us. Then his eyes trail down to my left forearm that was left exposed and I looked down there too.

Instead of the bare skin that is usually there, I see intricate designs and details exactly like the ones on Regulus' forearm.

I have unwillingly and unknowingly become a deatheater. 

A/n: Reminder that they are still in their ball gown and dress robes and tuxedos

I look over at Regulus and see he's more upset than I am.

"HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!" Regulus screams.

"My dear boy (A/n: My computer tried autocorrecting "boy" to "bi"), there is not need to shout. And besides, you should know why. I could have just killed the girl, but you still need to cooperate with me.So one wrong move, and your 'darling' dies." 

A/n: If i hear one Tom Riddle simp in the comments i swear to mf god...

"So will you cooperate?" Voldemort asks in a rhetorical way.

Regulus nods grudgingly. 

"Take them to their rooms. These are our dear guests." Voldemort says, then has Peter escort us to our rooms.

I am taken down a long hall to a door with designs of songbirds on it. We then go inside.

"This is your room. There is a bathroom here, Regulus is down the hall. I'll bring you your lunch in an hour."

"By the way, the door is locked. So don't even think about leaving to see Regulus." Peter says while slipping something into the pocket of my dress. And with that, he leaves. 

I smile to myself while looking around the room. A king size, four poster bed with gray and white floral designs. A coffee table in the middle of the room with a couple couches. A balcony and a hefty amount of thick scarves. Peter told me he oversaw what would be inside this room. To make sure nothing would help me escape. A desk with an owl and stationary next to the balcony. A bathroom with a first aid (just in case something were to happen). I look inside the drawer of the coffee table and find my wand and throwing knives with a serrated edge (in the case of self defense or if someone were to break in of course)

The Rose to His Thorn (Regulus Black x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now