Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

I walk through the great hall the next morning looking for my friends at the Slytherin table. I look and see my friends Sydney, y/b/f (A/n: it stands for "Your Best Friend". Although Sydney should be a close second :3), Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa. But we all call her Cissy.

As I walk over to my friends, I find a pair of grey eyes watching me. I look over and see Regulus staring at me. But once he notices me looking back, he leaves the great hall.

Regulus's POV

I was looking at Y/n. There was something about them that I couldn't place. I feel like I know them from somewhere. But I don't know where. Oh. It's them. I thought. The memory flooding back to me. I knew I remembered them from somewhere. I have to go outside to think.

Y/n's POV

I sit down next to Sydney and Narcissa. I overhear them talking about who they are taking to the Halloween Ball. (A/n: Yes I know it's a cliche, but I have writers block and this is the first thing that came to my mind. So we're keeping it. I will take suggestions on what to do with the story in the comments!) Me and Andromeda convinced Headmaster Dumbledore to throw a Halloween Ball. I helped convince him mostly for her sake. She really wanted to take that Hufflepuff, Ted Tonks as her date. And I think that its sweet that she is able to love who she loves without fear of what her parents think. (A/n: I honestly feel like I had this fear of what my parents thought when I first came out. But now I'm a sassy bisexual bitch who owns it!)

"I want to take Lucius as my date. If he asks me." Cissy says. 

"I'll take Remus. Whether he has to be the one to ask me or not." Sydney says.

 And we all know who Andromeda wants to take. Bellatrix says she wants to take Rodolphus as her date, "Whether he likes it or not." were her words. Me and the others are quite concerned for her sanity and well being, but we brush it off anyway.

"So Y/n, who do you want to take?" Sydney asks me. I almost choke on my breakfast. 

"Um, I was thinking of just going by myself." I lie. I really want to go with Regulus. But why would he want to be with someone he just met? (A/n: omg omg omg I am just realizing how much this sounds like Anna, Hans, and Elsa. Y/n's all "I love him." Regulus is all "I love them." And the rational part of Y/n, a.k.a., Elsa, says "You can't date a guy you just met.". I hate that I came to this realization. But we're just gonna roll with it. Regulus will not stab Y/n in the back, just to make everything clear.) 

"You shouldn't go by yourself!" Cissy says. Everyone else agrees. Except y/b/f and Sydney. I told them about Regulus in our dorm last night because we all share a dorm together. They know about my dilemma. And they are smart to keep quiet about it. They know what happens when, god forbid, I get angry. Everyone does. But then I remember something. I DO know Regulus Black.

--This Flashback is brought to you by Sydney's anger issues--

(A/n: Also, just pretend that Sirius left the family when Regulus was in year 4)

I was walking to the courtyard, the cold seeping into my bones. But I needed the fresh air. I had just gotten my transfiguration test back and I didn't get a good grade. So I needed to cool down.

As I get to my favorite spot under the tree by the Black Lake , I hear crying. I look to see who it is, and find a boy in 4th year (the same year as me) with curly black hair and beautiful grey eyes sitting in my favorite spot. 

I'm about to turn around and act like I didn't see anything, but then he notices me standing there. So I ditch the plan and stand my ground, peering at him, a concerned look on my face. "Are you okay?" I ask him. That's a stupid question Y/n he is obviously not okay I just caught him crying! I thought. 

"I'm fine." The boy says, wiping away some of his tears. But as soon as he wipes one away, another appears in its place. Any thoughts about my failed test washed away at the distraught face of this beautiful boy. "Mmm, you don't look fine. Want to explain?" I say.

Regulus's Flashback POV

No. I don't want to explain to them.I have an image to keep up as the perfect son (yes singular, not plural) of the Black family. But there is something about their soft eyes that brings all the words out of my mouth before I can object. "My brother was not okay with my parents. So he left. Leaving me with my abusive parents as the only son they have under control, putting all their expectations on me. I know my relationship with my brother wasn't the best, but I thought he would have taken me with him, so I could leave them too. I just don't know what to do now." I say.

They look at me stunned. Not thinking I would actually explain what was happening at home. They don't say anything, they just sit down next to me in silence. But it was comfortable silence. I am grateful that they didn't say anything. Then, out of the blue, I hug them. They are stunned, but recovers and hugs back almost immediately. I feel them shiver from the cold. I pull away and give them my sweater.

"Here," I say. "as a sort of thank you for listening." "thank you." They replied . "No. Thank you for listening." I say. Before they leave, I say, "My name is Regulus." They smile and say, "My name is Y/n." and leave.

*End Of Flashback*

Y/n's POV

I leave the great hall to go to the courtyard to clear my mind. As I walk there, I am planning on going to my favorite spot, under the tree overlooking the Black Lake. But someone has already beat me to it.

I see it's Regulus. Sitting there staring at the dark murky waters of the Black Lake. "Deja vu huh?" I say. "It seems to be that way." He replies. "You know, I never gave you back your sweater." I say.

"Would you like it back?" I ask. "I uh-I um- I do- I don't know? You can keep it I guess." He replies. He seems nervous. (A/n: YOU GAVE ME YOUR SWEATER. IT'S JUST POLYESTER- sorry I'm in a mood.) "Okay then." I say.

I sit down next to him in comfortable silence. Both of us just enjoying each others company. All of the sudden he puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. I don't object. In fact if anything I lean in closer. 

I put my head on his shoulder and he leans his head on top of mine. If someone passed us right now they would think we're dating. 

Third Person POV

Little did Y/n and Regulus know, was that y/b/f and Sydney were spying on them the whole time. Y/d/f had to pin Sydney down and cover her mouth with their hand because Sydney was about to jump up and scream, "I SHIP IT!!! I SHIP IT SOOOO HARD!!! THEY HAVE TO AND WILL END UP TOGETHER!!!" (A/n: This is literally me. I swear I have to restrain myself from doing that every time I am on Wattpad and my ship sails so my parents won't get suspicious.)

Little did they all know how right Sydney was.

A/n: Will you look at that! Another chapter done! I am so proud of myself :3 I deserve some ice cream. So do you all my lovely readers! If you did not think of the song Heather, Sweater weather, or any song from Frozen, (preferably "Love is an open door" from my Anna, Elsa, and Hans reference) you are just as insane as Bellatrix! I of course mean that in the nicest way possible. Because, to quote the Cheshire Cat, "We're all mad here."

(Sorry. My inner geek came out in that little paragraph)

Question I am asking myself because I want you guys to get to know me but I am too lazy for the comments to come rolling in:

"What is your physical description?"

Answer: Okay so I am asking and answering this question so it will be easier for people to envision the character Sydney in this fanfic. Considering the fact that I AM her. I just recently got a buzz cut, golden-brown hair, grey eyes to keep it simple (I am not 100% sure what color my eyes are. I keep getting different answers.), Slytherin, Fair skinned (I'm kinda pale, ngl), female, kinda tall, and a supper sassy attitude. 

That's it for this time! I love you all so much! Peace out!

                                                                                                         -Sydney the Crazy Author ;)

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