Chapter 5

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A/n: Wow. Over 300 reads? Dam (snack bar!!!). Thanks you guys.

Y/n's POV

Regulus and I walk into the Great Hall hand in hand, because we hated the feeling of our hands deprived of each other. My friends look at me in curiosity. All except for Sydney, Josie, and Y/b/f. Joise smiling discreetly enough so Regulus doesn't see, Y/b/f trying to clap but Josie holding their hands back. And Sydney. Oh Sydney, she smirked and raised her eyebrow and was the epitome of the smirking emoji. Her look said "Go get him.". And from her expression I immediately realized that she would be attacking Regulus with questions. Aside from her and Remus making eyes at each other across the tables of course. 

Cissy, Bellatrix, and Adromedea look very confused. But, aside from Cissy and Bella, Adromedea gives him a small smile, trusting my judgment (A/n: Not me completely forgetting that Cissy, Bella, and Adromedea are all his cousins.). "Y/n, what are you doing with our cousin?" Cissy asks (A/n: Sorry Cissy you misspronounced "You are doing our cousin.". wow my mind went right to the gutter). "Oh Regulus and I are partners for the year in potions. We just came back from studying in the library and decided to eat together." I regret saying "together" because Sydney immediately whipped her face towards us and beamed. But then went back to staring at Remus. She is like a totally different person around Remus. Around everyone she is seen as cool and confident. With a witty, sassy comack and two middle fingers up at all times. But around Remus she is different. More shy, sweet, and flirty. 

At first everything is awkward. Small talk here and there, and overall uncomfortable for everyone. Especially Regulus. "Maybe I shouldn't be here. There is tension in the air and I feel like I am the cause of it. I should just leave." He says and starts to get up from beside me. "No." I say and grab his hand. "Stay. My friend's are just used to it being just us. But we can make stuff like this work." I say. And once I do, he stops his attempt to get up and out of his seat. And sits down next to me again,  our hands still intertwined. 

"So, Sydney, how is Violin playing?" Josie asks, thankfully breaking the tension. "It's great thanks, but the rest of the people I am performing with are dumbasses." Sydney is performing on her Violin at the Halloween ball and the Yule ball, the Yule ball is fairly far away, but she and her group are already practicing. Her group is just filled with other students at Hogwarts who also signed up to play at Hogwarts events. Not for too long though. Sydney made sure of that. She still wants to have fun at events. 

"Cissy, doesn't Regulus play the piano?" Adromedea asks. "Why yes. Yes he does." Cissy replies. "Regulus, do you still compose pieces?" Adromedea asks. "Not much. There is this big piece that I am working on, but I don't think it will be ready until around the time of the Yule Ball." He says. "Ooh! you should perform it at the Yule Ball!" Adromedea exclaims. "That might be a good idea, I am not sure though." he replies calmly. "Wait. You only compose songs to dedicate to people. So who is it this time?" Bella asks. "Um well, um- uh." Regulus states nervously. And started talking about something different. I couldn't understand why he would change the topic so suddenly. But no one questioned it. And we just kept talking until dinner was over. 

"I think you should eat with us more often Regulus." Josie said with a smile. "Perhaps I should." Regulus replied with a smile. "Well, I should be off, see you guys later." Regulus said. "I should head out too. Bye!" I say. We bid our goodbyes, and Reglus and I leave hand in hand.

As we are walking down the hall towards the dungeons, I see a first-year Gryfindoor getting bullied by by a group of Slytherins. A muggle born, I realized, by the name of Ella. They have her aginst a wall, calling her a Mudblood over and over again while hexing her. "Please stop." Ella said while sobbing. 

I have to do something. I can't just stand here and let someone get beat up. 

"HEY!" I yell, storming over to them. "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" I say as I stand at her side. 

"You're a pureblood too Y/n, why are you defending Mudblood scum?" One of them said. 

"Because it's wrong to do this, but I am guessing you daddy issues were getting in the way of seeing that." (A/n: Draco Malfoy who?) I say, flipping them off. Then, I hold my wand towards them all and say, "Now I suggest you leave and never bother her again before I tell Professor Dumbledoor and Slughorn about everything. After hexing you all into oblivion of course." They go paler than they already are. "Now you and your little ferret asses can leave." (A/n: Again, Draco Malfoy who?) I say, and they run away so fast one of them almost trips.

During all of this, I realize Regulus was just standing off to the side, not doing anything, just observing. I was about to go off on him for not doing anything, but then remembered Ella, so I looked at Ella and saw her wiping at her tear-stained eyes. I put my hand on her shoulder and ask her, "Are you okay?". She nodds. "Why were they bullying you?" I ask. "M-my b-brother pulled a prank on t-them a-after b-b-bullyimg me the f-first t-time. So they got b-back at me for telling my brother what ha-happened." She says stuttering. Then, she gives me a hug. And I hug back. "Thank you." she says with a small smile on her face. "No problem. Let me know if there is a problem again, okay?" I say. "Okay." she responds. (A/n: Okay? Okay.) and then runs off to the Gryfindoor Tower. 

I then look at Regulus, "What happened back there? Why didn't you help?" I say.

Regulus's POV

I apologize with some lame excuse that is at least a little believable. Because I can't tell them the real reason. I can't tell them that one day, all those Slytherin Purebloods will be seated beside me at a long, huge, cold table with him. 

Daaaaang, that took long to write. What I was saying to myself this entire time writing this was, "Updating schedule? Who is she? I have never heard of her." Although I must say I am very proud of myself for finishing. I think I deserve the ice cream that is seated beside me. 

Question I am asking myself because I am too lazy to wait for someone to comment a question: Any plans for asking Josie?

Answer: Yes. I am asking her soon, and I have the perfect way of asking her. I will update with her answer. 

That is all! Please comment a question you would like to ask me below. Thank you to all of my lovely readers and stay safe! Byee

                                                   -Your Crazy Author Sydney

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