Chapter 11

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~~Dramatic time skip brought to you by your local Hogsmeade~~

Y/n's POV 

The Yule Ball is in a week. And everyone is bouncing with excitement. Remus and Sydney are in a healthy relationship and show a lot of PDA (Against Remus's wishes) so everyone knows that they are serious (A/n: Don't say it) about each other and ARE taken. 

Regulus and I show some PDA, like holding hands. cuddling in the common room, and kisses on the cheek (A/n: Chill tf out they're having their fist kiss in like a couple chapters.)

I'm walking down the hall when I see Regulus walking towards me. "Y/n, there is something I need to tell you." he says. "okay. tell me." He looks around. "Not here." He says. Its past curfew and everyone is sleeping except us. 

"Lets go to the ROR." (A/n: It stands for the Room of Requirement you UnEduCAted sWiNe) "ok" I say. And so we head off.  We some to a stop at a wall. Regulus paces three times in front of it, then the wall turns into a door. I walk in and see a cozy small library. With two lavender colored chairs in front if a fireplace with the hearth casting a soft glow to the room. A coffee table sat in front of the cushioned chairs with two mugs of hot chocolate on it. It seemed as though the walls were bookshelves. Packed to the very last spot with all of my favorite books. 

"No one will be able to hear us. So we can say whatever we want in this room." Regulus states. "So what is it you needed to tell me?" I ask. Awaiting my answer. 

Regulus's POV

I'm going to tell her I'm a deatheater. I have to. The secret is eating me up on the inside and I can't take it anymore. I can only hope she won't tell anyone. We make it to the room. Y/n looks around in awe and amazement. Then asks me, "So what is it you needed to tell me?". I have to. I have to tell her. "Y/n, if I were to do something to please my parents, would you be okay with it?" 

She looks skeptical. "It depends what it is. Regulus, what did you do?" 

Y/n's POV

"It depends what it is. Regulus, what did you do?" I ask, worried. "I did this Y/n." he says. Then he pulls up his long sleeve and shows me his left arm. I see the ink of the dark mark on his arm. I'm appalled. How could he do such a thing? "I stare at him, pure hatred in my eyes. "HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?" I scream. "Y/n, Y/n no, hear me out." He pleads. "REGULUS, THERE ARE MUGGLEBORNS AT THIS SCHOOL. THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE FEAR THAT THEY OR THEIR PARENTS COULD BE KILLED." I scream. So that's why Regulus made sure that the room is soundproof. 

Regulus looks at me with desperation. "Don't you understand? I have to do this. I have to please my parents." (A/n: Pack it up Draco) "YOU MADE THIS DESCISON. IS THERE ANY WAY TO UNDO IT?" I ask, still mad and disappointed. At this Regulus has had it. He gets up from sitting on the chair, enraged. "NO. NO THERE ISN'T.  I WILL BE SITTING ALONGSIDE THE MALFOYS AT A COLD, LONG, DARK TABLE WITH HE-WHO-SHALL-NOT-BE-NAMED. AND I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. FOR ONCE, I MADE MY PARENTS PROUD." I look at him in shock. "Then I can't do anything about it, can I?" I say quietly, my angry demeanor suddenly gone. "No. You can't." Regulus says, matching my aura. "Okay then. I won't tell anyone." "why?" Regulus asks, confused. "Because I still love you." I say. "Goodbye Regulus." I say. Then leave. Regulus doesn't go after me accepting that I won't change my mind, so I don't look back. 

That's when the tears come. As I leave the room, I run down the hall, not caring who hears my loud footsteps. With tears streaming down my face. 

That's when Sirius spots me running down the hall. He purposefully bumps into me, and holds me by my arms. He knows I'm close with Regulus and knows that we are dating. "Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" he asks, his concern for me etched on his face. "Did Regulus do something?" Then he looks in my eyes. He sees through them what my mouth was not able to tell him. then I see something inside his eyes break. he doubles over on the window sill in the hallway, and breaks down sobbing. I sit down next to him, and we wrap our arms around each other and cry with each other. 

"He did it to please (former) Mom and Dad didn't he?" Sirius says, with tears in his eyes. "Y-yeah. Yeah h-he d-d-d-did." I say to his, stuttering on my words. 

"I think, that we need to stick with each other." I say. "Yeah." He says. We get up and hold hands on our way back to our common rooms, a new unbreakable bond securing our loyalty and newfound friendship to each other. 

Sirius has become my anchor. And now I am his. 

A/n: Hellllllloooooo my thirsty, horny hoes! So I am going to take a break from Wattpad. Because Wattpad isn't very good for my metal health. I will still update. But I will be off the grid for at least a month. I may respond to a couple of your guys' comments, but I will try not to. While I try to resist the temptation of Wattpad (aside from updating). And try to do it weekly, but I had been doing updates from my school computer until my school computer blocked it once they found out what I was doing on there. So now I am typing this from my home computer at my moms house. And I am only at my moms house for half of the week. So updating will be slower. This is the first sad chapter if the book! And y'know I'm pretty happy I can bend my readers emotions to my will. MHUAHAHAHA. 

Instead of asking myself a question, I want you all to know you all are beautiful💖

Also look at this terrible stuff that is happening:

I love you all. Goodbye my lovelies!!!

                                                                -Sydney the crazy Author :3

Can we just point out that the word count is 1090!?!?! Wow I'm proud of myself.

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