Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/N!!! Wake up! Get your @ss up we khave sh!t to do!" I hear Josie screaming. "I'm awake! I'm awake! Jeez!" I say. Then Josie leaves and goes to wake up Sydney. "Sydney... Sydney... SYDNEY GET THE FAWK UP!!!" Josie screams. Which definitely got me awake. "Noooo. Not now Mom. Wake me up later." Sydney replies lazily (A/n: This is an absolute lie. I am a major morning person. But whatever). Then I got an idea. "Sydney, Remus wants to see you and is waiting outside our dorm." I say with a sly smile on my face. "WHAT?!?!" Sydney says and jumps out of her bed running to the closet to put something on. Then, she slowly walks out, connecting the dots. "Wait. Remus is a Gryfindoor. So he can't be in the Slytherin dorms." She says with a confused look on her face. Then, realizes it was all just a sham, and her eyes glow with rage.

"Okay! Anyway! It's the weekend and we have to go shopping in Hogsmeade!" Josie says, trying to calm Sydney down. "Why tf do we fave to go to Hogsmeade?" I say. "Did you not hear? They decided on the theme for the Halloween Ball! It's a Masquerade Ball! So basically big ballgowns and pretty mardi-gras-style masks!" Josie says enthusiastically.

"Wait. So ballgowns only?" Sydney asks. "Obviously. I mean, what else would you wear?" Josie replies. "Is that a rhetorical question?" Sydney asks. Josie throws a pillow at her. "Okay! Anyway, Let's get ready to go to Hogsmeade!" Josie says.

What Josie is wearing:

What Sydney is wearing:

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What Sydney is wearing:

What Sydney is wearing:

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What Y/n is wearing:

What Y/n is wearing:

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And we head off. Bags and money in tow. To a Dress store with a special section filled with Ballgowns and look through the section. "I found it!" Josie says. "What did you find?" I ask. "The perfect dress!" Josie replies. "So, Josie, you never told us if you are going with anyone." Sydney asks mysteriously. I am quite suspicious of her behavior. "I am going with Amos!" (A/n: Not me almost making Lucius her date and then remembering that Cissy is his date) "Amos? Amos Diggory?" Sydney asks incredulously. "Yes. Why? Is that a problem?" Josie says with a defensive look on her face. "No no. I just didn't think he is your type. It just seems like you are kind of desperate." Sydney replies, hurt for some reason.

"Well, I will have you know, that I am NOT desperate. And if you can't be happy for me then so be it." Josie states and speed walks out of the store. "Sydney, you look sad, do you want to talk about it?" I ask, worried. "No. Nothings wrong. I have my dress. I'll pay and then leave. Bye." Sydney says with a sad look on her face. (A/n: Do any of you guys have a tissue? I am allergic to lies)

I soon find the absolute utmost perfect ballgown and head out of the store, (A/N: don't worry you will see it soon :P) ready to go back to Hogwarts.

I walk to the Library, just to find a book to read. I see Regulus enter the Library after me. I sit down in a place in a corner and start reading The Hunger Games (A/N: Hands down one of the best book series I have ever read. I definitely recommend it. It's not as gory as it sounds.) Regulus approaches me and says, "Y/n, I wanted to ask you something," Regulus says nervously, kind of red. "What is it Regulus?" I ask. "Well- I-uh wanted to ask you i-if you wanted to go to the ball with me." (A/n: if you get the reference you are my best friend) Regulus says. "Omg yes! I would love to!" I say as I launch myself into his arms. Both of us with wide smiles. (A/n: Yeah cus Y/n better than Cho. We didn't miss out on our chance. But also, CEDRIC)

Regulus kisses me on my cheek. I feel fireworks exploding from the contact. Regulus then says, "I should go. Bye." and leaves. I touch my cheek, the feeling on his lips on my cheek lingering. I am glad I said yes. And am hoping Sydney and Josie make up. But, knowing how stubborn they are, it could take a while.

I know this will sound superficial, but I can't wait for the Ball.

Helooooooooooooooo fellow Regulus Black simps! It feels like I haven't updated in a looooooong time. I'm sorry. Like dam (snack bar!) over 500 reads? I cannot believe that! Ilysm you guys!

The question I am asking myself because I am too lazy to wait for someone to comment a question: Top 3 celebrity crushes?

Note: its gonna be tiring to update who my celebrity crushes are. Because they change so quickly.

Answer: Tom Hiddleston. always him first. he is awesome. Bucky Barnes, and Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Goodbye, my lovelies!

-Your Crazy Author Sydney :)

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