The girl part 1: lucas

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A/N: First hey look I am actually found something to write about lol anyways this is going to be a thing we're you sing (a lot lol) and Lucas can hear you so it's mean only your soulmate can hear you singing so yeah let's get in to it.

POV Lucas:
I am siting here with Dagwood and tony eating lunch and then I hear this really pretty voice again. I seem to hear it a lot which I don't mind. Tony was talking about something but i don't know what and all my mind came to was her voice.
'Hey Lucas you listening' tony said (but I did not hear him and start smiling to myself)
POV no one:
'Dagwood think Lucas is not listening. Dagwood think he is listening to the girl again'
'Yeah he probably is' tony said when suddenly Dagwood touched Lucas arm. Lucas jumped and said 'jeez Dagwood you don't need to scare me like that.'
'Dagwood sorry Lucas'
'Alright now was it her again Lucas. Tony said.
'Yes it was ok now get back to what you were saying' said Lucas
'You know what I forgot what I was talking about' said tony
Then Lonnie Henderson's came over and sat.
'Did I hear that right Lucas and a girl?' She said laughing
'Yeah that's right now let's talk about something else' Lucas said.
'What no I want to know more about 'this girl'' Lonnie said
'No no I don't want to talk about it' Lucas told her.
*Dagwood leaves to go do something else*
'Fine if you won't tell her I will.'  Tony paused before talking again. 'Lucas has been all smily recently because he is hearing this girl singing' tony told Lonnie.
'Wait how are you hearing her?' She asked
'No idea' Lucas answered truthfully.
'Also, the only time I see you smiling is when your with Darwin this girl must make you really happy' she said while garbing some food off her plate to eat.
'Yeah she does' Lucas told her

A/N: that's it for now tell me if you guys like it or not and if I should continue it and I am sorry for the clif hanger I hate them to but I just want to see what you guys think. Also the pic idk no i am not making fun of Jonathan I just think it's funny. Ok bye for now ✌️- Lacey (my name)

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