The mystery guy (jonathan)

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You have just become part of the cast of SeaQuest Dsv. And you've met some of the cast but not most. Jonathan had seen you and thought "wow she's so pretty" but not got the courage to speak to you.

A couple of days has part and you've noticed you've started to get little notes here and there. You look around and see no one and see there's no name.

A couple more weeks go by and the note says today "I've thought since day one you were so beautiful so why don't we meet just the two of us maybe for some coffee" You look around and the only person you see is Jonathan Brandis. You've thought he was cute but did not think it was him.

Later that day you to go the coffee shop and wait for a little bit but felt like he was not going to come when Jonathan came running in. You look up at him and stare into his beautiful blue eyes and realize he's the one for you.
He sits down and you start to talk and a little while later your walk with him to your small apartment when you get to the door and Jonathan stops you from going in you look at him in his beautiful blue eyes and he leans in and kisses you. You obviously kisses back. A couple of minutes go by and you pull away smiling. Jonathan is now blushing. It had been quite for a couple of minutes when you spoke up "I'd like to do that again sometime it was a nice night" Jonathan smiled and asked "what about this weekend?"

A/n:I'm so sorry for not updating but hey I did it it's pretty bad but

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