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A/n: ok so again I got this idea off TikTok so yeah and also 'b/f/n' is best friends name also you are in you bunk what ever you want to call it

'So you have not found your soul mate yet?' My b/f/n asked
'No sadly but  I saw something that said you and your soul mate have a song.
'What's your song'
'It goes something like 'o-Ophelia you have been on my mind like a drug'
'Oh cool'
*you hear someone singing it you look over to see Lucas with headphones on singing it* 
*Lucas comes in and sees you looking at him and he takes his headphones off*
'What is there something on my face y/n?' Lucas asked and does his little adorable laugh. A/n: ITS SO CUTE..ok back to the story :)
You stand up and you best friend leaves.
'No- that -that song you were singing'
'Oh this one 'o-Ophelia you have been on my mind like a drug'
'Th-that's the song I was singing before you came in'
'W-wait so your telling me you were singing this song'
You guys end up dating the end

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