His charaters as things i have said

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A/n: idk if that makes sense but yeah but let's get into it.

Bill Denbrough: 'W-w-wait what are we doing, I don't get it' (yes I did stutter saying this and yes I say it a lot)

Lucas (just think him and Darwin watching E.T): Darwin: 'E.T find home?'
Lucas: 'yes E.T find home.'

Matthew/Martha: 'why am I doing this?' (I was talking about school work lol)

Barry: 'you do know I have really bad Asthma?' (Yes I actually do and if you don't know Barry in sidekicks has Asthma)

A/n: I know it's not a lot but hey I updated again lol I am going to try and update when I can but idk if I can a lot because yk school (ugh I hate it) anyways I hope you have a good day/night when ever your reading this.-Lacey(aka E.T)

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