J.b (a joke)

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I saw someone do this with River and thought it was so funny like I was laughing for about 5 mins over how true it was so credit to them (it won't let me put there name without it not do this so yeah)

My name is y/n
And my mom died when I was 2 and I have been depressed ever since I live with my dad that abuses me and my step mom who hates me. We are now moving to a really boring town and it's the first day of school I see this blond guy come over "hi I'm Jonathan Brandis and your name is" "y/n and nice to met you Jonathan" "nice name want to go on a date even tho I just met you 5 seconds ago" "omg yes ofc I would" after school I met him at the beach in the middle of our town and we went to go swim and then me kissed me and then we did it In front of 9384838373 people (which I killed with my amazing super powers I have just like el in stranger things) and we walked back to my house like nothing happened and did it again and I was pergo the next day.

A/n: THIS IS A JOKE I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY OK it's supposed to be like every fan fic ever you get it? Anyways I will do a normal one soon

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