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A little back story:
You and Jonathan have been friends since you guys were 2 (so a very long time). You guys started started to date while he was filming SeaQuest DSV.
Now back to the story:
Jonathan had taken you to one of your favorite places to watch the sunset... a hill (yes a hill lol) close to where he was filming SeaQuest. He had set up a picnic of your favorite food. You guys were talking and eating for a while. By now you were just sitting there watching the sunset when Jonathan got up and walked away (not far just the top of the bill). He said 'y/n, come here'. You got up and was standing next to him when he grabbed your hand. After he had your hand you slipped and fell down the hill. He ended up rolling down laugh. You started to laugh too.

A/n: I did my first Jonathan one wow lol anyways have a good when ever you read this -Lacey

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