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A/n: I got the idea from a stand by me fan fic I read

Me and Barry walking home for school talking about life. You and Barry had been friends from a young age. Because you and him were so close every one thought you were dating but no. Recently you started to have feelings for him. You had never had feelings like you did for him.
'Barry?' You asked ' Yeah y/n'
'Do you ever think about the future?'
'Yeah, I guess sometimes. Why do you ask?'
'Oh idk' you lied. You have never lied to him you could not tell him that you some day wanted to be together. You had spaced out and Barry had noticed.
'Hey... y/n you ok?' He asked
'Oh um yeah'
'Y/n I know something is bothering you please tell me' he had stoped walking and looked at you.
'Ok yes something is' you told him
'What is it you know you can tell me anything'
'I.. um I- I can't Barry'
'Why not is it that bad y/n?'
'No well yes I am afraid If I saw what wrongs we would lose our friendship'
'What do you mean? 'Lose our friendship?' He asked as he started to walk again. ' ok I guess I have to tell you now Barry' you paused ' Barry please don't be mad at me when I tell you this'
'Why would I be mad?'
'Idk... but um I um like you Barry'
'I like you too y/n'
'No barry like I have a crush on you' you looked down as your face started to heat up.
'Oh.' Barry said as he stoped again and walked back to you.(You were a couple steeps behind you)
He lifted you head up and said 'y/n.. I like you to' and then he kissed you.
You were so lost that you pulled away from the kiss. 'Did I do something wrong' Barry asked
'No of course not' you then leaned in and kissed him. After that you two started dating.

A/n: hey look I actually did one wow I really have told you guys 'I am alive but i am dead' (sorry for the TikTok reference) any ways request are still open and I know this is really bad lol. -Lacey (have a good night/day/ when ever you read this)

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