Your best girlfriend or should I say boyfriend- martha/matthew

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You had been on the ladybugs for about a year now and when Chester(sorry if that wrong) said 'we are getting a new player' you were happy because not to be mean or anything but your team was not the best. You soon found out that the new player name was Martha.
*time skip brought to you buy Lucas and Darwin*
You too became really good friends you guys told each other everything well not everything. You never told Martha about your crush on matthew one of the hottest guys at your school. And well she or should I saw he never told you he was matthew. It was after practice when you went up to Martha. 'Hey Martha can I talk to you alone?' You asked. 'I uh sure y/no'
You guys went back to your house. Martha was siting on your bed while you were sitting in a chair. 'Martha, you know we're best friends and best friends tell you everything' 'yeah' Martha replied. 'So I really like this boy named Matthew but I know he won't be my friend' 'why do you say that' Martha was looking down. You looked away 'why do you think he is on the football team and I am on the soccer team' 'hey, uh y/n can I tell.. I mean show you something' You look back up at her. Martha takes the wig off. 'Omg no Matthew I did not just tell you my Secret'You look down upset. Matthew comes over to you 'hey, hey it's ok because I like you to and I think your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen' you look up. 'You don't mean that' 'yes I do y/n' he pulls you face close to his and you guys kiss *mawh mawh* you pull away to breath 'ma Mathew that was my first kiss' 'me too' he smiles. And then you grew up and got married and have how ever many kids you want. The end
A/n: I am sorry this is so bad and the name is even worse I could not think of anything so yeah

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