The frist date: j.b

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The day before
Y/n POV:
I was about to walk I to my house when Jonathan came running over from next door.
'Y/n I gotta tell you something don't get mad at me and it's ok if you say no in the end I just still want to be friends.'
'Jonathan you know you can tell me anything'
'Y/n I have liked you for some time now and I was wondering if you wanted to um go out with me?'
'Jonathan of course I would go out with you tomorrow sound good?'
'Um yeah that's fine' Jonathan said
*the next day*
Jonathan's POV:
I have set up a picnic on the beach for us today with all of y/n's snacks I  about to pick her up I told her to wear something she wound not mind getting wet.  I got to the door and right before I could knock she opened the door.
'You ready?' She asked
'Oh um yeah let's go'
We got In my car and about half way there I said 'here but this over your eyes if that's ok'
'Ok? Jonathan we're are you taking me'
'You will see'
*fast forward to when you get there*
'Ok we're here y/n, here let me help you out there'
We got the the picnic 'ok take it off now'
'Omg Jonathan this is amazing'
*idk what else to put since I have never been on a date before so yeah*

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