What really happened?-j.b part 2!

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Warning: talks about death
This will be made up But I for some reason don't think he killed himself 
Re- cap:
I picked up the lamp to see a note. I put the lamp down to read the note it read: "dear y/n, I know this is you reading this since I know you to well but something is going to happen to me soon but you are most likely reading this after it happened and I'm sorry this was not you fault and you were the best friend I could of had but please if you find this tell Tyrone and soleil about this note also just look around the room for more details
Your best friend,
Ps: I love you :) "
I put the note in my pocket and looked around the room I was about to pick up one of his shirts when I heard a noise coming from the living room. I walked out of his room and walked into the living room and saw nothing (this is going to be kinda like "the ghost boy a Jonathan Brandis story" so credit to the writer) I then felt like someone was there but I did not see any one I till I turned around to see Jonathan but as a ghost. "Jo-jo-Jonathan?" "Y/n I knew you would come back here" he said I started to cry a little seeing him again for the first time in 3 years. "Hey don't cry it's ok.. yk I have missed out talks y/n" I looked at him and just wanted to hug him but I couldn't. I walked back to his room and he followed. I looked at him "here you can have this" he said as he was by his sea quest shirt. You guys ended up talking for hours and later that night you called Tyrone and soleil telling them we need to talk. They came over and I told them everything but seeing Jonathan because they would think I was crazy and gave them the note as I held on to the teddy bear. We talked about it a little more that night. And everyday after that I went to see Jonathan at his apartment..

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