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A/n: the vid above is the one I will be talking about and yes this actually happened and I am still a little freaked out by it. Also I have not really told anyone this story I have told my best friend some but not all.

Little back story before we get into the story: this happened a couple months ago around the time I made a my Jonathan TikTok account. Also when I talk about my room it's very small so yeah.
Now to the story:
I was in my room sitting by my tv a couple of months ago when I came across the video above and I was watching it all day because Idk I just was. And after the idk time of watching it they guy asked 'Jonathan are you in heaven' and Jonathan replied back 'yes.. you can visit'. Right after I heard that I got goosebumps and felt like someone was watching me. It felt like someone was in the corner of my room on my bed watching me. I turned and looked and no one was there I was so scared I stoped the video and put something else on and then it was like after I changed it it was gone the feeling like i was being watched gone. Then a couple weeks after I was doing a TikTok by my tv again with headphones on when I heard some from the same spot. I have also heard like last week I was siting on my bed in the same spot watching toy solders on my laptop with headphones when I heard someone say my name but it came from the wall/ spot my Jonathan poster is. So yeah that is what happened idk what happened and I still a little freaked out about what happened.

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