~ jealousy ~

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I was getting ready to just keep walking to my room and never look back. Maybe take a shower and scrub my face so hard that the skin turns raw.

And that was the plan until I hear her voice chime in once again. "Come on, we were having so much fun! Why leave the party so soon?"

"Are you really that fucking dense?" Kyoutani mumbled towards her.

"That was not cool, Yuki." even Bokuto seemed to have a serious tone.

The eyes of everyone were trained on my next move. If this was any other situation, it would've scared me half to death. Now, I just felt like yelling.

Balling my hands up in a fist so tight that little red moon shapes show up on the surface of my palms, I walked down the hall. But no, I walked down with a purpose.

Finding the second managers room, left unlocked, that was filled with all of Yukis things, I rummage through her stupid, hard shelled suitcase until I find that familiar notebook that I had lost.

A few of the boys had walked to my room ready to knock, assuming I had left to go there, until I stomp out of the one a few doors down.

"Is she still by the fireplace?"

"Yeah, but maybe we should go to bed now and-"

"Kuroo. No."

Pushing past a sea of 6 foot tall volleyball players, I feel another warm hand on my shoulder. I turned my head around and saw that it was Asahi. Warm and familiar. I was an emotional at that point, so Asahi wasn't even too surprised that I put my arms around him for a hug.

"You aren't changing my mind." I stiffened as I spoke. "I'm still pissed."

His hand found purchase at the back of my head and stroked it with his thumb ever so gently.

"No matter what I say, you'll still go do whatever you set your mind to. Just remember I'm here for you, good luck."

If I wasn't tearing up before, I was now.

A few gentle rubs to my back, and Asahi finally lets me go with a concerned smile.

- - - - - - - -

Some of them were probably watching everything go down, some of them woke up and went back to their rooms without knowing what happened. Yuki was texting on her phone as she was comfortably sprawled on the couch.

"Hey" I say, voice stern.

"What are you back here for?"

I held up the notebook, my face still teary eyed, but no other distinct emotion otherwise.

"Did you go through my fucking stuff?" she shot up.

"To be fair, you went through my stuff first." it was fun to finally mess with her.

Yukis face was still angry, fuming very similarly to that party from the first week after I transferred to Karasuno.

"So, I guess the first thing I should ask, is why?" I shrug my shoulders, "Why did you casually out me in front of all these people, most of which you barely know?" My tone was nothing but joking despite the severity of the conversation.

The volleyball players found refuge in the first room closest to the area with the couches.

"You know what y/n?" she says with a shit eating grin.

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