~ outside ~

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(Just saying there will be the smoking of weed and drinking alcohol in this chapter, I don't condone underage smoking/drinking, I myself am literally 16. I do feel like it makes the story more realistic, bc they're all in high school and most ppl do that kind of stuff then. idk i'm tired of seeing fics of hinata, for example, being like "weally, it's not cawwed a weewee? 🥺", so lemme just write this chapter, mkay? and don't forget to vote if you liked it :p)


And so the evening came.

The coaches allowed us all to stay by the fireplace as long as there'd be no 'monkey business', as Takeda calls it.

A majority of the players had brought their pillows and sleeping bags with them since there was limited couch space and they wanted, as Bokuto so graciously said, 'the most epic sleepover ever'.

I had arrived early and snagged the single seat closest to the fireplace as about five of the tallest boys at the camp tried squishing onto the couch made for three.

"I literally got here first- why are you trying to chase me away? Tsk, Kuroo, Bokuto, stop poking my sides." Tsukishima was seething, and I couldn't help but smile at the scene.

"Hey, y/n~" Tendou purred.

I turn my head around to see him resting his chin on his hands that were planted over the back of my seat.

"Hey Tendou? You need something?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I guess you could say I have a question of sorts."


"Have you ever... you know?"

"No? What, am I supposed to know?" Tendou just stared at me, "Come on, just tell me." I was a bit confused as to where this was going.

"Yannow," he puts two fingers up to his mouth, and before I was about to threaten to castrate him, he deeply inhaled and slowly exhaled an exaggerated puff of smoke.

"OHHHH" I loudly exclaim. Punching his arm in embarrassment, I continue, "HOLY SHIT TENDOU"

"What?!" he said.

"I thought you were asking about something nasty, oh my god." I breathe out and lower my voice. "But the answer is yes, only a few times though."

"Ah, I knew it. You struck me as a seasoned veteran though."

"I dunno if that's a good thing or not." I giggle in response to his antics. "Why were you asking me in the first place?"

"Well it's about-" he checks an imaginary watch, "10 pm, and the coaches just checked up on us after getting ready for bed. That means if they do check up later, it'll be in a few hours, but they're all old and frail, so your two coaches are probably already spooning in one of their twin beds."

I let out a loud snort, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Y/n, did you just... snort?"

"Shut the fuck up, Yamamoto"

"Ugh, I love it when the managers swear at me" Yamamoto had a lovey-dovey expression on his face.

"Kinky" both me and Tendou say in unison.

- - - - - - - -

"Okay, so here's the plan." Kuroo got everyone who wanted to smoke to huddle up.

Everyone was listening intently, as if they were taking diligent notes in their head.

"We just go outside..." I furrow my brows as I look at how stupid these teenage boys looked. "smoke, and then come back in."

"Why'd you make it sound like something so complicated then?" complained Kenma as they all start heading outside.

"You're all welcome to join anytime!" Tendou calls out, winking at Asahi before closing the door.

We were all standing outside of the entrance, close to Suga as we both start shaking from the cold. "Wait," I stop them as they take out their lighters. "the door is literally right beside the coaches rooms."

"So?" Bokuto asks.

"Is there not a thought behind those eyes of yours, Bo?" I deadpanned. "What if they have their windows open?"

"Ah yes; Let's move out a bit team!"

Sighing, we all walk even further away from the entrance towards some worn down patio furniture.

"God, my ass is freezing." I shiver, muttering to myself as I plant myself down in a red, chipped paint chair.

"I got just the thing to warm you up!" Suga passed me the joint he had just taken a hit of.

Giving him a quiet 'thanks', I place it between parted lips, taking an extended drag as I start feeling the welcomed burn in my throat. Keeping it in my mouth for a second, I finally blow the smoke away from everyone being the considerate person I am.

"Hm, I didnt cough this time. Usually, I-"

The door we just left out of that stood further away opened dramatically. Drunk Yuki, oh no.

Having been to approximately 2 high school parties during your time at Fukurodani, that was more than enough to know how destructive Yuki could be when intoxicated, and it didn't take much for her petite frame to give into three white claws.

Touchy, loud, and nausea inducing couldn't even begin to describe how she was while trying to keep her balance as she gently stumbled over her feet. Not tipsy, but not plastered either. Walking a (an almost) straight line inbetween.

"You" she points a finger at my sweatpant clad form, curled up in the worn down chair, obviously not taking her seriously. A few of the boys leaning against other pieces of the matching set and rusty tables lazily turning their heads.


"You... have such nice hair! It suits the whole um, personality you've got going on."

I laugh in awe, "Really?" sarcastically lifting up my head with exaggerated widened eyes.

"Yeah, I didn't know Asahis type was les-"

"Uhm, Yuki, you seem tired. Maybe it's time for bed?"

"Oh Asahi, you are a LIFESAVER! Big," she pokes his shoulders, "buff," she pinches his biceps, "manly man here to lift me up and carry me to bed?"

She puts out her arms to get lifted.

"Maybe you should walk. Um, you're doing that really well."

"Great words of encouragement there, Asahi" Suga embarrassed him further.

Asahi mouthed a quick 'shut up' to him before giving a strained smile to me sitting there with half lidded eyes, not a care in the world.

Watching him walk back into the inn, my hazy mind thought out loud "His stupid back," a small drag, "my kryptonite." I was practically drooling. "They are cute together though, right?" I nudged Suga.


"What do you mean, 'nah'" I mocked his voice.

"You know what I meant, y/n"

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