~ the party prt. 2 ~

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Walking back down the stairs taking a few deep breaths, Kuroo sees me and announces, "The gorgeous Y/N L/N will be performing for us tonight!"

"God, you're so annoying." I say loud enough to catch a snicker from Kenma.

Everyones head shoots up, Yuki glaring at me, Asahis eyebrows raised, wondering what was meant by 'performing'. I tell Kuroo to shut up and start with my own announcement.

"Kuroo has dared me to sing a song from my emo angsty preteen phase, and although it'll be embarrassing, I am still willing because a majority of you guys are wasted and I myself am the tiniest bit tipsy." I look over to Kuroo, waiting for him to continue my introduction.

"So here is the wonderful Y/N, performing 'Cancer' by My Chemical Romance!" He holds the phone that was connected to the speaker, ready to press play before he grabs the microphone that appeared out of nowhere and hands it to me. Flipping it on, I lightly tap it, testing to see if it works. Then, the music starts.

And I sang. I remember when I used to sing this almost everyday in my room.

The lyrics were stuck in my head for the past 5 years. Kuroo being the little shit he was, expected me to embarrass myself and totally bomb the whole song.

Although I felt humiliated, as I had no time to prepare and some of the notes managed to make my voice crack, it seemed the rest of the volleyball teams were having fun after hearing the first few lines. I look over to Kuroo, his jaw slightly agape as he gives me a look that almost says 'You aren't going as full out as you said you would.'

His sly smirk made a switch go off in my head telling me to act as if I was 13 again, singing my heart out, walking around confidently as if I were on a stage.

Everyone in the room was still having fun. Despite the inevitable embarrassment, I finish singing the whole song, being sure to make eye contact with everyone, prance around the room, shaking my head back and forth, and over exaggerate every move to entertain Kuroo.

I had spent so much time caring about what people had to say about me, that I'd always forget to just enjoy myself. I wished to relive my childhood with the things I know now. I wished that I could've gone to Karasuno sooner.

Panting, I pass the mic back to Kuroo with the adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

"I gotta go to the bathroom really quick." I say breathlessly while turning around to walk right back up the stairs, going back to bathroom.

Once I close the door behind me, I brace myself on the counter. "Did I really just do that?" I ask myself. I sigh and check my phone slowly losing track of time, when I hear a knock on the door. "Ill be out in a sec!" I call out, quickly shoving my phone back into my pocket. I creak open the door still looking down while I adjust your pants to sit higher up in my waist.

"Oh hey, you did well out there." Asahi says to me with a little smile.

Looking up, I widen my eyes, the realization that Yuki had also heard my performance hitting me like a hormonal truck. 'Who cares, I'm allowed to have fun every once in a while' I tried convincing myself before quickly thanking Asahi and sliding out the door, only to be met by my former classmate with her signature painfully sweet smile, which quickly transformed into a fuming Yuki once the bathroom door closed shut again.

"Hey Yuki, whats up?" I try making casual conversation to even out her obvious rage.

"Why did you go over to Asahis house?" she harshly whispers, bending her neck up to look at me.

"I was helping him study for a bio test." I reply with my brows furrowed, confused that she's so hostile for absolutely no reason.

"Are you sure?" she takes a step closer, trying to intimidate me.

"Yuki, you've gotta chill. It was a friend helping out a friend," I say, hoping she backs down a bit. "And whats up with you trying to scare me every chance you get? What are you hoping to get out of it? I didn't even know you guys were together in the first place, and I still wouldn't have done anything. I barely know him, Yuki. Im not threatening your relationship with him in any way." I exhale in annoyance before walking back down the stairs, returning to Kuroo.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The party continued, with Yuki still glaring over every now and then, seeing how close I've gotten with Kuroo. In response, she's been extra clingy with Asahi, hoping it might spark some kind of annoyance in me even if its just a little eye twitch. I on the other hand was getting tired and started longing for my freshly washed sheets.

"Hey, I think I should start heading home its getting late." I sigh, putting down my glass of water, seeing my bright phone screen that read 1:37 am.

"How do you plan on going home?" Kuroo asks.

"I live 5 minutes away from here walking. Why, do you wanna take me home?" I teasingly nudge his arm.

"Ill be your protector! You ready to go then?" he beams, grabbing my hand, dragging a giggling me out of the kitchen to the front door.

"Yachi! Kiyoko! Kuroos gonna walk me home so Ill text you when I get there, okay?"

"Yeah of course!" Yachi replies.

"Just make sure you're safe." Kiyoko winks at me, while I'm unable to contain my blush due to the alcohol in my system. Both me and Kuroo stare at each other, eyes widened, as we break out into a giggle once more, finally opening up the door to head out.

The whole night, Yuki's been stuck to my side. Even when I tried going to the bathroom, she made sure she was waiting for me outside of the door. She also always seemed to stiffen up at the mention or sight of Y/N. I'm not sure what y/n has to do with Yukis mood, but I'm sweating just thinking of it.

Ill have to admit, Y/N's singing is a lot better than I expected, and I noticed her smile after she finished the song; bright and infectious. I wish she'd do it more often, but I knew it was the alcohol that made her more open. And she really does have a really nice smile, but I cant really say those things now that Yuki made us official, without even asking me explicitly.

Everyone seems to be having a good time, catching up with old rivals, letting loose for the first time in a while. I myself, have been quite relaxed this whole time. But once I look over to the sound of the front door unlocking, I see
Y/N and Kuroo giggling with each other, getting ready to leave. After seeing her small, newly well manicured hand entwined with his, I cant help but feel the odd feeling of jealousy bubbling in the pit of my stomach, a feeling I hate, wondering what it'd be like holding her delicate hands.

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