~ caught staring ~

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Ive been laying in my bed for the past hour. Why can't I fall asleep? It seems I might have something on my mind. Pffft, more like someone. Boys are so complicated, and Ive had a few boyfriends before, then again, nothing too serious, but a common factor in the downfall of all of my relationships is that I always settled for whoever confessed to me. Id get bored or worried whenever we wouldn't talk to each other all day and since I tend to get in my head about everything. I was the one to initiate the breakups first. Then, Id reflect on every tiny detail of the relationship, and ended up realizing it was kinda unhealthy.

I wasn't very compatible with any of them. Id reflect even more, identifying toxic behaviours and questionable statements they've made until I realize once again that I ignored every single red flag and chose someone who was just as desperate as I was to find someone.

Someone to lean on. Someone to hold. Someone to love.

Its been a while since my last relationship. Once I broke up with him, I started my whole hair dying phase. Its something that keeps me occupied. Damn the whole 'is love even real' question. Its not like Ive ever seen it much between my parents. There has been good and bad days. But I try not to get into my head too much about it, since I have to focus on school anyways. Theres no time for boys, even the weird ones with man buns who give me heart palpitations.

I slowly doze off after setting my alarm for the next morning, both excited and nervous to see a certain ace soon.

The rest of the week seemed to blend together quite quickly, all of my classes were relatively easy, and my knowledge on volleyball was slowly building off of what I already knew in elementary from briefly being on the team. I was finally able to actually help out some of the boys with their plays. It was very gratifying seeing them actually enjoying the criticism I was giving them. Of course I also took the opportunity to take the occasional glance at Asahi's broad back without him noticing. I'm only human after all.

He was pretty clueless, as was most of the team. The third years however had been paying closer attention due to them thinking Asahi has already taken a liking to me.

"Daichi" Suga motioned to the captain to get closer. They both look over to her while sneaking a quick look at player #3.

"She has been looking at him for a while, huh?" Daichi replied matter-of-factly.

The two third years strutted over to the clueless wing spiker, each grabbing one of  his shoulders.

"A certain someones I interested in your spikes" Suga hummed with a goofy grin.

"Uh, who?" Asahi playing with the ball in his hand questioned.

"Y/n obviously." Daichi stated with an annoyed look on his face. "Who else?"

"Oh her? She's probably just watching my form."

"We're on a break Asahi. You havent spiked a ball in 5 minutes" Suga rolled his eyes.

"Well, either way, its fine. Ive kinda been talking to someone actually."

The other third years looked at him, confused looks on their faces.

"You've been talking to someone? Not y/n? What the f-"

"Suga." Daichi looked over at him with an assertive glare. "Who? Whats her name? What schools she from?"

"Woah Daichi, chill with the questions." Asahi stuttered. "Her names Yuki and she's a second year at Fukurodani. We've been talking for a few weeks. Besides, Y/N doesn't even like me that way."

"Sounds fake but whatever." Suga rolled his eyes once again. "Didn't you invite her to the party tonight?"

"Oh, uh, yeah I did."

"What about Yuki?" Daichi says raising an eyebrow at a nervous Asahi. "Come on, did you not invite her?"

"I did actually. She has a car so she's supposed to bring other people from Fukurodani"

"God you're stupid" Suga says.

Daichi sighs as Coach Ukai blows the whistle, calling the team over to continue practice.

It seems that Daichi and Suga caught me staring, so I decided to lay off of the admiring. It finally hits me that its Friday. I turn to Yachi, grabbing her by the shoulders and stressfully shaking them.

"Can you come over to my house before the party tonight? Please help me with what to wear Yachi, Im desperate."

"Well I already did pack my clothes with me so I could just change at your place." She nervously replies as I let go of her stiff arms with a grateful sigh. I turn over to Kiyoko as she gives me a soft nod showing that she can come over too.

Practice finally ends as the three of us walk out of the gym doors, leaving a confused Asahi once he steps out the changing rooms, seeing that I wasn't waiting for him like I usually did.

"Looking for someone?" Tanaka nudges his teammate.

"No." Asahi bluntly replyed, conflicting feelings overcoming his thoughts with both Yuki and

He starts walking home slower than usual to avoid coming across the three of us.

I unlock my door and tell my friends they can change in the two bathrooms I have in the house. I rummage through my clothes, frustrated that I cant seem to find anything to wear. It couldn't be too casual, but it cant be too fancy either. I didn't want to wear anything short sleeved or sleeveless because it was cold and would be much too exhausting to pull down the sleeves constantly to avoid my insecurities from shining through.

Finally settling on baggy corduroy pants and a slightly more fitted long sleeved darker brown shirt, I look at myself in the vanity, studying every feature of my face with an irritated frown, not noticing the managers standing by my doorway.

"Oops, sorry I didn't see you guys. You scared me." I playfully say as I touch up my makeup while complimenting the others outfits.

"Do I look okay?" I finally stand up from the chair, showing off my simple outfit.

"You look great Y/N. And Im sure Asahi would think so too." Kiyoko gives a shy smile while Yachi gives me a huge thumbs up.

"Oh, um. Asahi? He doesn't like me its fine. Is it time to go now?" I ask, as we weren't given a specific time to arrive at Asahis.

"I think we can leave now even though we might be a bit early." Kiyoko said with her usual blank expression.

"Alright so lets go!" Yachi exclaimed as I put on my shoes and left to walk to Asahi's.

"He totally has a little crush on you y/n." Yachi skips along. "Ive never seen him blush as much as he does around you."

"Its true. Hes probably intimidated by you, too. That's why he's sending mixed signals."Shimizu agrees.

"Yeah, a lot of people would be. But I mean, he is cute, Im just not used to finding other people cute, its so stressful." I shudder, earning a small giggle from Yachi.

"Now would be a good time to talk to him more." Kiyoko continues. "Theres supposed to be a few people from Nekoma and Fukurodani there too."

"Wait." I stop and turn to Kiyoko. "Fukurodani?" I question as my eyes widened.

"Yeah, why?"

"That was my old school." I say.

"Well its too late to turn back now, you stopped right at his driveway." Yachi points out.


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