09| HELL

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"school is hell.
hell is school."
chapter's aesthetics:
🥀 mysteries 🥀

song of the chapter:
🎤 wannabe 🎤

song of the chapter:🎤 wannabe 🎤

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"Mumm. What the heck are you doing?" Iris but was in Chase's body asked.

"I was hungry" Heather said and took the snacks into the room where Helen sat.

"What's going to happen in school?" Iris asked worryingly. She didn't want to dance, no offense to dancers and Chase but she wanted to kick footballs and run around the field.

Same with Chase. He had zero knowledge on how to play football. He preferred dancing and feeling the groove instead of kicking a ball.

They were nervous to say the least. How were they going to act like the star of their favorite activities when they were in separate bodies?

"I'm sorry but you have no choice and stay in each other's bodies till we have found the solution" Helen says apologetically.

It was going to be a challenge to say the least...

It was going to be a challenge to say the least

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It was Monday. The dreadful day. First of, they had the biggest problem. They still were in each other's bodies and they had different classes and different homework things.

Also, they had their respective activities to do after school tomorrow. If they don't change by today, it is going to suck big time.

They knew that they had many problems they had to go through and it wasn't going to be easy. At all.


Classes were okay for the most part. The only difference was the teachers and the getting used to the name.

It was now lunch time and they met up and walked to the cafeteria.

"I have so many questions" Joseph said as he plopped on one of the cafeteria tables. Jose knew what was about to happen but he was too late...

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