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"bibbidi- bobbidi- boo,
you suck"
chapter's aesthetics:
🥀 spells🥀

song of the chapter:
🎤 bibbidi- bobbidi- boo 🎤

song of the chapter:🎤 bibbidi- bobbidi- boo 🎤

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It was quite a tense school day. After Xander's outburst, it was quite awkward and everyone didn't want to poke Xander.

They tried to relieve the tension but it was difficult. Xander was always near Candy and her gang.

Brittany and Joseph had a hard time adjusting not being in their own bodies but they managed.

They both were in same classes together so sometimes when their teachers call them, the teachers would get confused.

But overall, it was an okay school day. They had one more obstacle to cross- the meeting of the witches.

The seven of them piled back up into the two cars, making Xander and Eva separate. 

'Chase', 'Joseph' and Eva was in the car while 'Iris', 'Brittany, Jose and Xander was in the other one.

Eva was frustrated. They were fine and all and suddenly Xander went on a slight rampage. "I don't know what did I do wrong?

I mean it is my fault for freezing him, I admit that but he was acting a little too agitated. I have done worser things to him and he didn't react like that" Eva ranted.

"I think maybe it's something linked to the fact that all of us has some sort of issue" Brittany said.

"I mean, all of this happened around the same time and the things that we got cursed are kind of similar. All we have to do is to wait and see what happens later" Brittany continued her conspiracy theories.

To distract themselves, they decided to listen to some good old kpop. They played their ultimate kpop playlist and danced to it somehow while driving.

Meanwhile, the 'boys' had a quiet drive. No one dared to talk, not enough Jose who was their for the party.

But Jose being Jose, he couldn't take the silence and broke the silence with a "Are you okay Xander?" He asked concerned.

"Yea I'm fine" But Xander just mumbled and brushed it off.

However, Jose looked at him with a 'spill or kill' look and ended up ranting, just like Eva.

"I just feel a very weird vibe in me. Something is like inside me but I don't know what is it" Xander started which made him feel much better.

"Are you sick by any chance" Chase asked to which he shook his head. "I think someone did something to my body, like how the two of you swapped bodies"

"Well, anyways, we are going to meet them so no worries. They will help and solve your problems" Chase comforted, giving him a smile.

"While you are at it, you should probably apologize to her and explain but please for the love of god don't be so hot headed" Chase advised.

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