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"live laugh,
chapter's aesthetics:
🥀 chilling 🥀

song of the chapter:
🎤 havana 🎤

song of the chapter:🎤 havana 🎤

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"You're so close!" Iris said.

"I know. But the balls can't go inside the hole" Chase remarked.

"Come on try again!" Iris encouraged. "Yes that's right. Right here. Yes!"

"Yes. I'm so close!" Chase was getting excited. "I'm getting there!"

"One more time" Iris responded, unsatisfied with Chase's 'performance'.

"Yes! You finally did it!" Iris clapped her hands as she high-fived Chase who looked happy.

"Y'all did great! And Iris, you are a great teacher" Xander cheered on.

They were training Chase's football skills after school and it wasn't easy. The rest of them decided to stick around and chill out, enjoying the sun.

Brittany and Joseph were having their moment, in the honeymoon phase.

They had officially officially made it official just the day before.


Brittany and Joseph were nervous.

They were going to 'announce' their relationship to their friends. Yes they have sort of exposed themselves but they were still trying to see if things work out.

They had made it official quite a while ago but kept it a secret, going on secret dates but we all knew that little Mr Jose Willow had already knew.

He spied on them, mainly to keep Joseph from danger but when he saw the couple kiss, he knew he could leave.

"Hello my dudes. We have something to tell you" Joseph started off. Both Brittany and Joseph were decked up in an all black outfit and a sunglasses for an extra touch.

They were weird and their friends looked at them like they were loco.

"Are y'all good here?" Eva asked, pointing to her head.

They looked at each other, "We are dating".

And then, all hell broke loose.

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