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The next day as expected, Xander woke up with a massive hangover.

He felt the same as yesterday and wanted to just lay in bed, but he knew that he would have to somehow call off the marriage with Candy.

Xander promised her that he would wait. And he will keep to that promise.

He quickly changed into a simple t-shirt and sweat pants before heading to the toilet to freshen up.

Xander then head downstairs where his family sat. He was about to turn back and leave but his father called him.

"Son, take a seat" Luke, his father called out to him. Xander just muttered a curse word under his breath, then plastering a fake smile.

"Hi Mom hi Dad" He said out of courtesy, trying not too sound rude.

Xander could feel how tense the atmosphere was and wanted to just disintegrate into the ground.

He decided to just eat his breakfast silently and quickly, then retreat to his room where he can relax.

Although he knew that he would have to face it eventually, he needed some time.

"You are getting married to Candy next week whether you like it or not" Luke broke the silence with the news.

His mother, Violet looked at Luke like he was crazy. "I thought I told you to call off the marriage somehow. You know how Candy was in high school"

"She probably changed. For all we know, he will fall in love with her" Luke just shrugged it off, not giving two shits.

"Luke!" Violet couldn't help but exclaim. "Why are you acting like that?"

"I'm just stating the facts. Nothing else" Luke said indifferent.

"I'm going to the office. Xander meet me there when you are done eating" Luke said after a long and tense silence.

"I'm sorry honey. I tried my best. You know how stubborn he is. I'll try to persuade him to change his mind" Violet looked at him apologetically.

"It's fine mom, I know you tried your best" Xander reassured her. He knew that his mother has been trying to get his father to think straight.

"I'll go to father's office now" He announced to his mother who just nodded, helping to clear the plates.

He walked to the room, dreading to see what his fate would be.

Xander braced himself, before entering the room. He knocked on it, of course for basic courtesy.

"Enter" Luke said which prompted the action from Xander.

"Everything about the wedding is prepared. They just need to take your measurements and you're good.

It's today at 3pm. They will come here so look presentable" Luke explained as Xander just listened, well more like spaced out.

He honestly couldn't be bothered with what his father said.

"Are you listening?" Luke asked as he nodded. "Remember, 3pm" He just nodded and left.

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