677 11 4

"Friends are the ones who
laugh when there's food stuck
in your teeth"
chapter's theme:
🥀 friends 🥀

song of the chapter:
🎤 friend's theme song 🎤

"Byeee!" Iris yelled as she ran off in the opposite direction to the football

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"Byeee!" Iris yelled as she ran off in the opposite direction to the football. Her friends waved back, moving into their respective clubs.

On the other hand, Chase was just packing up his ballet clothing, rushing to his dance class.

These two are polar opposites when it comes to their likes and dislikes. Everyone knew them due to their distinct personality.

Some wanted to get closer go them for popularity and cause fake friends all around them.

With that, they have a few of their loyal companions who stuck with them through thick and thin.

Eva is part of the trio. She was born into a rich family but that doesn't stop her from acting rebellious at times. When she gets wild, she gets wild.

Brittany is the other part of the trio. She is the craziest and the wildest out of everyone in the trio. Loves to party, basically a party animal.

Iris is the last of the trio who loves football. Nothing wrong right? Well, you thought wrong. Going into competitions, she always gets looked down by her opponents.

Some of her teammates also don't approve of her being apart of the team at the start. But as time went by, she proved herself again and again.


Now here we have Mr. Walker, aka Chase. Cool dude. That's what he is. He is well-liked by peers and girls flocked around him and his friends.

He does dance, mainly ballet and hip hop. At first, he was nervous to join the dance team. He didn't know how the whole of the school population would react.

To his surprise, everyone accepted him for him. His humble and kind nature made him even more popular.

He has another three friends. Two of them were twins- Jose and Joseph. They were childhood friends with Chase.

They were simple guys who do simple things. As simple as that. The twins shared common interests. That's it about them.

Moving on, we have Xander. He's part of the football team here at River Vale High School. He was the stereotypical jock but he does have a likable personality.

His family is rich and well known in the business world so he always donates to our school when needed.

That's pretty much everyone who is important and relevant.

Oh and one more person. Ms Candy Smith. She is popular within the school. Queen bee, head of the cheerleader team. Luscious blonde locks of hair framed her face perfectly. An 'it' girl was what they called her.

Everyone looked up to her, always trying to earn the spot of her minions. She has a group of friends, Mabel and Courtney.

Mabel is the cousin of Iris. Since young, they bickered about everything, to the point both of their parents were irritated by them.

It was obvious Iris was more of a tomboy while Mabel was a stereotypical girly-girl.

Courtney on the other hand was just a person Candy picked from a mini-competition that Candy hosted to be her in her army of minions.

People constantly flocked around them, clearly blinded by Candy's fake persona.

And that my friends, this concludes all of every one of somewhat significance in this story.

Bye and see you next time! Ciao!

-553 words-

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