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"Eva, hunny. We need to speak to you" Her parents called her from the office.

She was feeling kind of lazy but still headed to the office.

As Eva stepped in, she felt a very tense aura and didn't know what to expect.

She didn't remember being rebellious or whatsoever.

"Eva there's no easy way to say this but you are getting married" Richard, her father broke the news to her which left her shock.

"Are you serious?!" Eva was appalled. She couldn't grasp the concept of it.

"Why?" One simple question made both her parents look at her with guilt.

"It was made a long time ago. There's no choice. I'm so sorry" Richard said.

"How long do I have to stay married to that guy?" Eva asked. She was only twenty two for crying out loud and was interested in a guy.

But she couldn't do anything. If it was a year or something, she could do it. After all, she can still pursue her true love.

"Three years" Amanda spoke for the first time.

"Three years?!" Eva shrieked. "I can't do this today" She left the room, sobbing.

Call her dramatic or whatever but she had a crush on someone but this arranged marriage crushed her dreams.

She shakily dialed the familiar numbers, Iris and Brittany. She made a group call.

Thankfully they picked up, or she could not take it anymore.

"I'm getting married to someone I don't even know" Eva blurted out.

"Are you serious" Brittany exclaimed.

"What the fuck?!" Iris shouted which made Chase came to ask her.

It was soft but they could still hear. "What's wrong baby?" They could hear a little kiss.

Just for information, they got together shortly after the swap. It was quite cute with both of them confessing to one another.

"Nothing" Iris shrugged it off.

"Why though?" Iris asked.

"It was some stupid deal that my parents made with another associate" Eva ranted.

"What about Xander?" Brittany asked.

"That's the problem! I don't know how to tell him. I fucking love him!" Eva exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Eva, but I can't help you? Maybe just try to tell him? I'm sorry but I'm really out of ideas" Brittany said.

"It's fine. I just needed to vent. I'll just tell him later" Eva brushed it off.

"Okay, but please call us if you need to rent, kay?" Iris said.

"Mkay, bye" Eva said.

"Bye" Iris said

"Toodles" Brittany bid goodbye before ending the call.

She could only do one thing- call Xander and tell him.

She sighed, it was going to be a fun day. We love the sarcasm.


It was later that day that Xander had came over  and she was going to break the news to him.

"I have something to tell you" She didn't went to tell, and i stress just run away together.

"Same. You can go first I guess" Xander said.

"How about we say it together" Eva suggested. It was going to be painful that's for sure. Might as well get it over and done with.




They counted together.

" I have an arranged marriage" Eva said with sadness.

"I booked a holiday for us" Xander exclaimed with joy.

"What?!" They both said.

"You- you are getting married" Xander was shell shocked. That was the last thing he expected coming out of her mouth. 

"My parents" She said, almost bursting into tears. "It's a three year commitment"

Xander hugged her tightly, kissing her head. In all honesty, he also felt like crying.

But he understood. That's how rich people get married. Arranged marriage sucks.

"It's okay, I understand. I'll wait for you. It's just three years. But if you fall in love with the guy, I'll respect you" Xander said, trying to comfort her.

They just sat there, holding each other. But time flew and it was dark. As much as Xander wanted to never leave, he had no choice.

"Come on, it's getting late" Xander said. "I'll see you some day right" He tried smiling.

"Some day" She said.

He watched as she closed the door and felt a pang in his chest.

But it had to be done. He returned back to his car and drove home, listening to Driver's License by Olivia Rodrigo. It was sort of  a relatable song.

Soon enough, he reached home and just wanted to head straight to his room but of course, was stopped by his father.

"Son, I need to talk to you" Luke, his father said. As much as he wanted to shout "NO!", he decided not to and just followed him.

"You are getting married to Candy Smith" Like just said it, ripping off the bandage. That made him awake.

Are you fucking serious?!" Xander yelled in frustration. "Out of everyone, Candy?! You know how I struggled being with her in high school!"

"Calm down son. I know but sorry there's no choice" Luke said calmly.

"I can't do this. Let's talk about it tomorrow" Xander didn't wait for his father's response before barging out of the office and into his room.

But Xander grabbed some alcohol. He needed to forget all of his problems. If not he would go crazy and jump off a god damm bridge.

He might get a hangover but he will not jump off a bridge. He promised Eva he would wait for her and will keep that promise for the next three years.

He drank can after can, not able to stop himself. He just couldn't deal with everything.

From finding out Eva, his love was getting married to someone else that was not him, to realizing he was getting married to Candy, his worst nightmare.

After high school, she was still as usual, trying to hit it off with Xander but with that spell gone, he doesn't fall for her tricks.

Not sure if she knew everyone was back to normal.

And since he has fallen in love with Eva and Candy somehow finding out, she was even getting more possessive.

How would he survive this arranged marriage? He wouldn't know either.

He would have a long talk with his father, that for sure.
wow guys, short story of xander and eva. what a roller coaster am i right?

don't worry, they will get a happy ending but i won't spoil too much

i think at the most it will have three chapters, but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️

anyways, that's it and hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️

also, how's the tittle?

see you next time 👋🏻

[word count: 1031 words]
[published on: 26 may 2021]

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