Chapter 2

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I stared at the contents of my traveling bag. I was never much into fashion and hoped the weather in London was similar to New York. I always wore the same dark jeans, boots, and sweater with my oversized black raincoat. Sometimes I mixed it up with a scarf but mostly kept it simple. I never paid much attention to the male species on campus because I thought them a distraction. I did venture into that territory once at a sorority party after too much jungle juice, but thankfully found my way back to the dorms and passed out on the bathroom floor. Laurie would always try and drag me out to her parties, but she had to remember that her and I had very different tastes. I honestly preferred to stay home on weekends reading online magazines or spending time in the newspaper room when no one else was there. I guess I am a loner but I do have close friends I've made in college but right now it was about packing for London. I went over the conversation in my head I had with Marc at least a dozen times.

"Did I read the email correctly?"

"Yea, Rowan, for the third time. Stop asking or I'll take someone else. Besides, we've got everyone out covering the Grammys and this interview was last minute.

A car will be there 10:30 tonight and our flight leaves at midnight. Pack light. This isn't a weekend thing. We are in then out."

"Got it."

It was 9:30 now which left me some time to get my thoughts together before the car came. Laurie was out so the apartment was quiet. I switched on the TV and MTV flashed on with news coverage of what the stars were wearing at some movie premiere. I recognized this premiere because Marc had one his assistants interviewing. When people find out I intern for M&G Productions, their eyes get really wide and they ask how many celebrities I know. I just shrug my shoulders, tell them it isn't what they think, and put my headphones back in my ears.

"Harry! Harry Styles! Over here! Tell me, who are you dating?!"

That poor guy must never get a break. I couldn't imagine cameras following me around wherever I went.

I must have dozed off because I was awoken by a honking. Shit, shit, shit. I grabbed my bag and bolted out the door. The February air hit me hard and jolted me awoke. I swung open the town car and launched myself inside thanking God I was alone because Marc would have had my neck if he knew the driver had to honk.

"Sorry, I must have dozed off."

"You're fine. Marc is running a little behind anyways so he said to come get you first."

Good. At least he won't know I fell asleep. We pulled up to the front of Marc's townhouse on the upper east side and he came out followed by his assistant, Maddy. The driver helped Maddy put Marc's things in the back and with a quick wave to me disappeared back inside Marc's home.

"We are getting on the red eye. First class. They better damn well be there. Yup, call when we land', Marc said into his phone before hanging up and sitting next to me.

He looked me up and down and nodded to the driver to go.

"You look a mess."

"Thanks, Marc." I was used to Marc telling me what he thought of my appearance.

He was very...flamboyant in his wardrobe selections and tonight was no exception. Before his company came his fashion sense. He was always front row for NY Fashion Week and had the designers on speed dial. He offered to help with my clothes but I flat out told him that he nor George could pay me enough to wear any of that stuff. I thought he was going to smack me right then and there but he laughed and said it was good I was so smart and could write sensibly enough.
We got to the airport and through customs easily and were escorted to our first class seats. Marc was immediately given a glass of what I assumed was champagne and some sort of fruit on a platter. The stewardess with heavily done up eyes offered me the same but I politely declined.

"You can if you want. It helps me with the flight. Plus it makes me feel fancier" , said Marc as he sipped and smiled.

"I don't like champagne much but thank you."

"You can have vodka too or whatever you crazy college girls drink."

"I actually don't drink much..."

"I pegged you for one of those. You know, Rowan, you must live a little. You work very hard for George and I and not to sound like I am picking favorites but other then Maddy, you are the only one with a sensible brain. The other interns can't even figure out the right 'your' to use in normal editing."

"Uhhh...thank you Marc." I wasn't entirely sure if that was a compliment because those are rare with him. He must of taken a Valium. I do remember Maddy telling me he was a terrible flyer. I looked out the airplane window, it was really dark and I couldn't remember the last time I was on an airplane.

"Uh, miss? Ill take a glass now."

"Thata girl", Marc said as he cheered me with his glass.

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