Chapter 34

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After Harry's mother apologized countless and we all ate to our stomachs content, Laurie and I were back on our way but not before Harry pulled me aside.

"Rowan...I will make this right. I promise I will talk to them. I will ring as soon as we are finished. My mum will be there to back me up too. Are you are you don't want to come?"

"I can't...I think after this morning, I am better off staying home. My emotions are still all over the place. Mmmm and last time you said you would call, you disappeared for a month."

"Fine, I'll one up and come right over."

"I guess that will suffice," I said with a smirk.

Harry smiled back and pulled me into a very long, much needed kiss. He tasted so sweet with the hint of maple syrup from the pancakes we just ate. He tried to break the kiss but I placed my hand on his lower back and pulled him in closer. He put his hands through my hair and I moaned into his mouth.

"Tonight, love."

I pouted my lip and agreed.

"I love you, Rowan."

"I love you, Harry."

My heart and stomach fluttered and every nerve was on fire when we exchanged the words. This was the first time in my life that I had said those words to someone, other than my friends and family, and actually meant them. It was exhilarating. Every fiber of my being loved him and it was nothing like anyone could ever explain in words. Love wasn't something you could explain because it was something you felt.

I floated to Laurie's car and waved to Harry until he was a tiny dot in my rear view.

"Ok. Time to spill. NOW. The last thing I heard from you was, in between the sobbing, was that Harry lied to you and now you guys are lovey dovey."

"It's complicated. I know that's not what you want to hear but Harry was put in a difficult situation and he had to keep to his contract and also tried not to hurt me."

"But he did...for a long time...for a month's worth of time you were completely in the dark and now he's lying to you? I get it, it's complicated and in contract with signatures but if you two actually love each other than that should be more important than some piece of paper. I mean, I don't like how he treats you at all. How is this piece of paper more important than you?"

Laurie brought to the surface all the things that I didn't want to admit.

"He...he is trying to fix it. You have to look at it from his point of view too, Laur. He has been doing this forever and signed something when he didn't know better and now he is just trying to fix it...for me...for us."

"I guess. I mean I hope whoever he talks to today listens because this whole driving upstate is expensive."

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