Chapter 15

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"How are you feeling, love?"

His voice was oozing with compassion and I couldn't help but get lightheaded again. He knelt down next to me and there was his hand again on my arm. I felt the cool metallic of his rings this time touching my bare skin.

"I'm better, just kind of hungry."

"Let's get you something to eat," Harry said and looked back at Marc and George, standing there watching the scene. "Are we finished? I would like to take Rowan to breakfast."

Oh, God. I was going somewhere with this model of a human being. I needed to check a mirror or something. God know those stupid cameras will be out there again.

"They're done, you guys go!" I heard Maddy chime in. Marc and George looked at her then back to me.

"Go," said George.

"Uh, wait. I need to go to the bathroom quick, if that's ok?" I asked looking at Harry. He nodded and smiled before turning to his cell phone. I booked it to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I looked at the mirror and was pleasantly surprised to see that I still looked good. I put the headband straighter and racked my fingers through my hair. Better. Great, actually.

I came back out to see four bodyguards waiting for me, well us.

"All set, Rowan?"

The way he said my name. I couldn't help my cheeks reddening and my heart beat faster.

"Y-yes." I looked back at my bosses and their assistant and they waved me off like parents sending off their daughter to prom but with bodyguards.

The guards pushed the doors back and to my shock and sort of horror, there were almost triple the amount of people outside. Screaming girls, cameras flashing, and so many cell phones. Before I knew it, we were pushed inside the same black SUV I saw earlier. Harry looked over at me and started laughing.

"What?" I asked completely confused.

"Your hair likes to get in your face quite a lot, doesn't it?" As the words left his mouth, his hand was moving my hair again but this time, his hand lingered and he skimmed my cheek to my jawline before he dropped his hand back onto his lap. I felt the touch linger and I wanted him to touch me like that all over my body. It took all I had not to lunge at him in the back of the SUV. Instead of pouncing, I just smiled and blushed...again.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to move the subject away from me.

"To my hotel, if that's ok? It's the easiest and most convenient right now considering I've been spotted."

"Yea, of course."

"Eventually, I can take you somewhere that's nicer ," he said looking at me with heavy eyelids.

Eventually? Like, as in he was planning on seeing me again. I tried to concentrate on my breathing and my heart beat. It was quiet in the car so I hope he didn't hear it. Just as it got too quiet, the driver side door opened and screaming filled the car. Harry looked like nothing different had happened.

"Is it like this every time? I asked over the screaming. The driver was now moving the SUV and honking the horn. I looked out the window and saw motorcycle police surround the truck, pushing people back.

"Every single time but once we get back to the hotel, it'll be easier. We go through the back entrance under the hotel and the elevator goes right to my room."

Wow. I must have looked impressed because he started laughing again. I laughed with him and looked out the window again. The car was moving through the city easily now and the police had left. Within ten minutes we were in some underground parking deck just like Harry had said. His driver stopped the car and opened Harry's door. Harry jumped out, ran to my side, and opened my door. Thank God there was a foot rail because this SUV was huge. Of course, I would love to have fallen and have him catch me.

His driver sped away with the SUV and out of nowhere appeared two other bodyguards taking us to the elevators. Harry grabbed my hand and led me in first. His bodyguards stood in front of us. Harry was still holding my hand but he was now circling his thumb in my palm. I prayed it wasn't sweating because I felt myself get very hot. Thank God the elevator doors opened because the air was thick with sexual tension and I am pretty sure it was all my own.

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