Chapter 48

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A brown haired, brown eyed girl of probably about 14 was a few inches from my face. She smelled like cotton candy and was wearing a One Direction shirt. Closely behind her were more equally matching teenagers in One Direction attire, eyeing me up and down. I didn't know what to say.

"You're that chick Harry is dating, right?!" I felt all kinds of eyes on me and my face turned red.


"Sorry ladies, you've got the wrong chick. She gets mistaken for that other girl all the time. Angela here is actually married," Laurie intervened.

"You're so lying, I just heard you say that she was and that you were going to the concert tomorrow," the brown haired girl said.

"Uh, you must be hearing things because I definitely did not. Do I look like someone that would go to a One Direction concert?" She said while pointing to her long black studded boots, fishnet stocking, leather jacket, and bright pink lips. "Now, go run along."

The teenage girl scoffed and opened her mouth to say something else but her friends pulled her away.

"Little brats."

My eyes were wide as I tried to comprehend what just happened. Did I really just get recognized again for being a love interest of Harry's? I guess I had to get used to it but the look in that girl's eye when she knew who I was burned in my brain. I mouthed a thank you to Laurie and we stayed quiet the rest of the ride into New York City.

When we finally arrived back into our dark apartment, I couldn't have been happier to see that place. I switched on the lights while Laurie grabbed the mail. It wasn't too late so I turned on the coffee pot and threw up my hair. I had worn the same sweats almost all week so I quickly changed into something clean.

"Hey Row, you got a package."

I followed the sound of her voice back into the kitchen and she handed me a small box with my address on it. There was no return address as I turned it over to open it up. A note card dropped out and I recognized the handwriting.


Take this as a sign of my love and wear it always. Know that I truly love you with all my heart.



Inside the box was a smaller box that looked like it held a ring inside. I popped it open and inside was a silver ring with what looked some dancing bears on it.

"Sick ass Grateful Dead ring. I didn't know you were into them like that," said Laurie from over my shoulder.


"That ring is like the worldwide symbol for the Grateful Dead."

"Oh, uh, Harry sent it to me."

"Shut up, really? Wait, do even like that band?"


"I am so confused. Wait, the internet always has the answers."

Laurie ran to her room and came back with MacBook while I stood holding the ring.

"Oh shit. Apparently he gives out his jewelry to his lovers. Look."

I walked over to her computer and saw some necklace he gave to someone and then a ring he gave to someone else.

"Well, I guess he really likes me."

"Likes? That boy loves you, Row."

I played with the ring in my hand and slipped it onto my finger. It was warm considering it was inside a box and was a little big but it fit.

"It's cute. Now, come on, we need to figure out what the hell you are wearing."

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