Chapter 31

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After we both came out of our haze, I was starving. I hadn't eaten since breakfast with Pryce. Oh my God, Pryce. Well, that was short lived. He is going to hate me. I pushed it from my mind and brought my attention back to how hungry I was. Harry must of felt the same because he started opening the cabinets and pulling out various things.

"I'm not sure what is actually here but we can make whatever you want."

"Whatever. I'll eat anything."

He gave me a smirk and I smiled.

Harry ended up making some pasta dish that I inhaled before feeling very tired. I feel like every time I end up my days with Harry, they last so long. I needed to sleep. Before I realized I had no clothes or even my toothbrush, Harry disappeared upstairs and came back with a white t-shirt and pajama pants. I went to change and grabbed my clutch. It was vibrating and I was immediately reminded that I disappeared and it was now almost midnight.

I opened my clutch and checked my phone. I had 12 missed calls from Laurie and 4 from Pryce, along with a ton of text messages. I quickly called Laurie.

"Seriously, bitch?? I had to resort to googling his name and lo and behold there you are smashing your face into his and I am guessing you are in like Japan or something because you are MIA. What the fuck, dude! I even called Pryce and that kid is a weirdo and he had no idea where you went either. I almost called the cops!!"

I let her go on for a few more minutes because I deserved it. I was completely swept up in Harry and didn't even realize I had no concept of time.

"I'm sorry, Laurie. I know, I should have texted or called you."

"It's ok now, I'm glad you're ok. Now, what the hell are you doing with him? Do you not remember crying for days over this dude because he just fucking disappeared?"

"It's...complicated." I sounded like Harry now. I heard her scoff. "I can't really explain right now but when I come home I will. I'm really tired, Laur, I'll call you tomorrow."

I hung up on her to find Harry standing behind me in the same pajama pants I had just changed into but he had no shirt on and they hung perfectly across his slender hips. I reminded myself that staring was rude.

"So, ready for bed?"

I nodded, overcome with exhaustion. To think, I started my day being sized for graduation.

"I wish you come to my graduation." It slipped out and surprised even me. Harry also had the same look. "I-I mean, it would be nice but I understand." I looked down at my hands and bit my lip. I felt his hand come up under my chin and he pulled my face to his.

"Rowan...sweetheart, there are some things that are...just too difficult to do right now."

I felt the tears threaten but I sniffed them back. "I'm tired."

Harry took my hand and guided me up the long staircase and pushed back the closet door to revel an enormous bedroom with high ceilings and a fireplace against the wall. There were windows from floor to ceiling and the view held the moon and so many stars. There were dark couches in front of the fireplace and books lining the walls. The bed was huge and had a canopy with curtains. The pillows and sheets were a dark color, red I think from where I was standing.

Harry flipped a switch and the fireplace flickered on and I went over to watch the flames move. Harry sat down on the large, overstuffed couch and pulled me into him. I laid in his arms watching the flames.

"You know this isn't going to work...with your contract..." I whispered looking up at him.

His forehead wrinkled and he looked down at me. "We will figure out a way..."

"Harry, I don't want to be a secret. We can't run away forever. I want things with you that involve more than being inside a room." Even though I probably could find things to do inside a bedroom with him but that wasn't my point.

"Love, I know. I will talk to them again...better yet, how about tomorrow you come with me."


"I-I wouldn't even know what to say...aren't they like pretty big deals in your world? Why would they listen to me?"

"They won't listen but maybe if they put a face to then just a name and picture. It would be different."

"Harry, I can't have you do that for me. You might be risking more than just me here and that isn't fair to how hard you've worked for this."

"It's a contract. They can't fire me."

"Well, I know but they could make it things harder for you and I don't want that because none of this is fair."

I was getting worked up and irritated at people that I hadn't even seen yet.

"Love, calm down. We will figure something out. Let's just try and talk to them tomorrow. For now, please get some rest."

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