18. Mayan's Family

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Mamta (Mayan's Mom👆👆)

"YES?" The door opened by an old man. He had white pepper hairs and the aura around him was calming yet dominating. Abhi shiver at his voice but tried to act cool.

Abhi smiled as he greeted him, "Hello sir, I am Abhi. Mayan's room___"

"MAMTA." Before Abhi could complete his sentence, Mr. Rai called his wife and pulled him in a warm hug. A calmness washed over Abhi's body as he hugged him back tightly, feeling the warmth of a father, Mayan's father.

"Welcome home, Son." Mr. Rai released him and gave a way to inside as he patted his back.

"What happen, honey?" A soft female voice asked from inside the house. Abhi looked at the direction and intensely knew that she was Mrs. Rai.

"Are we expecting someone today?" Mrs. Rai asked looking over Abhi in confusion. She never saw this handsome young man before and curious to know about Abhi.

Before Abhi could introduce himself, Mr. Rai placed his hand over Abhi's shoulder and looked at his wife softly.

"Mamta meet Abhi and Abhi, she is my wife, Mamta." Abhi gave her a smile.

"OH MY." Mamta squealed loudly as she pulled him to her and squeezed Abhi in a warm hug.

"OH MY GOD you are so handsome and well maintained." Mamta praised him, gazing him up and down, looking at Abhi. That made Ashok jealous and he growled at her.

"Oh shush. He will be our second son. Don't be jealous. In fact you should be proud that we have two handsome sons." Mamta shushed her husband and turned back to Abhi with love filled eyes.

"Where is my manners, you should sit. I will be back in few minutes. " She turned around to go in the kitchen then turned back to him," Do you need something with juice?"

"No, Mam I am__"

"Hush. Call me maa." Mamta ordered him softly. Abhi looked at her in confusion, how can someone treat him so well when he hurt her son.

"But Mam_"

"No buts. Just call me maa and him" she pointed her finger at Ashok and said ,"Dad. Do you understand that?"

Abhi knew that she would not going to take 'NO' as an answer so he nodded at her and looked down at his fingers, feeling bad for hurting Mayan.

"Ok son. Come with me. I will show you our house." The way Ashok told 'our house' was clear that he called this as Abhi's also. Ashok moved forward with Abhi following him.

"So Abhi. How are you?"


Ahem Ashok coughed reminding him, his mistake.

"I mean dad. I am good and you?"

"I am also good son." Ashok gave a smile to him and looked ahead.

"So you like Mayan." It was not a question but a statement. With wide eyes Abhi nodded at him.

"Ok. Do you love him?" Ashok asked as he watch his every move closely. Abhi was playing with his fingers, thinking about telling him the truth or not.

"He loves you." Abhi froze and met Ashok's gaze.

"He loves you, Abhi." Ashok reassured him with a smile.

"Bu-but he never confessed." Abhi whispered softly. Ashok patted his hand.

"I know my son. He is a timid person. He never confessed his feeling but I saw in his eyes. He loves you very much. Whenever we talked about you, his eyes has different shine. He loves you very much. He-he just scared of rejection. Please don't hold back or wait for him, show your love to him, cherish him."

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