24. A date

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Good morning baby. Sorry for not being there right now but we'll meet soon. Before that you should get ready and there has a package on the table. Put those clothes on and wait.

Love you.

Abhi ❤

Mayan beamed after reading the letter which he got from Abhi's bedside pillow. He looked around and notice a package on the table. With soft steps he approached there and peeled off the wrapper to get an elegant dark blue suit with a paper on it.

I can't wait to see you in this. I know that my baby will looks so beautiful and handsome in this. *wink*

Mayan blushed and moved inside the bathroom. Slowly he bathed and cleaned himself, due to wounds it took him more time than normal. He rushed out with a towel wrapped around his waist then after drying out, he put the suit then styled his hairs. He smiled at his reflection then blushed to imagine Abhi's reaction.

"Woah! You look very handsome, Son." Mayan turned around to see beaming Ashok with Mamta and Nimrat.

"Oh baby. You are so handsome." Mamta came forward and pulled him in a warm hugs.

"Thank you maa and dad." Mayan blushed as he hugged her back.

"Jiju is going to revish you." Nimrat laughed at Mayan's crimson face.

"Shh. Don't tease him." Ashok scolded her then looked at Mayan," But she is right."

"DAD!" Mayan shouted as he hid his face with hands in embarrassment.

"Hush! Don't tease him." Mamta scolded Ashok then pulled out a paper and gave it to Mayan.

"What's this?" Mayan asked while unfolding the paper.

Baby, come out in the living room.

"Thanks maa." Mayan thanked her then ran out into the living room which was empty.

Where is he? Mayan thought to himself while looking around and his eyes stopped over Riya, standing few steps away from him with a wrapped box in her hands.

"Here." Riya gave him the box with a smile on her face.

He took it and unwrapped it to reveal a box of chocolates with a note on it.

Baby, Riya is going to blindfold you. Don't worry, she is going to take you to me.

Mayan looked up at Riya, who had a black silk cloth in her hand.

"Ok. Put it on." Riya did as said then helped him to move out in the garden. Without saying any word, she left him there, alone.

"Riya?" Mayan called out for her when he felt that he was alone but didn't get any reply.

"Ri_." Mayan stopped in midsentence when a hand held his hand softly. He smiled to feel a familiar warmth of Abhi's body around him.

"You are looking so beautiful baby." Abhi praised him then kissed his forehead softly. Mayan blushed then held his hand up to remove the blindfold. "No."Abhi stopped him from undoing the knot of the blindfold.

"We are not there yet." Abhi informed him then helped him to walk futher, few more steps and stopped then sighted.

"Are you ready baby?" Abhi asked as he stood behind Mayan, ready to undo his blindfold.

"Yeah." Mayan said and nodded fastly, gaining a chuckle from Abhi at his childish behaviour. He undo the knod and held his breath, waiting for Mayan's reaction.

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